
What should my sister do for her 11th birthday party?

by Guest56099  |  earlier

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She is having a birthday party soon and she needs ideas for a party. She has about 14 boys and grls on her list. She is a grly grl but she also likes sports. Please help!

10 Points for the one she chooses-you never know so any ideas would work!




  1. why dont you check out your local Ymca or Ywca they usually have party rooms and an indoor swimming pool they shouldnt be too costly and then just buy pizzas and soda maybe have balls and games to play in the pool.

  2. My friend had a beauty day with the girls beforhand and then told the boys to come a few hours later, stay for a while at the house,play games,party,eat so on untill probally around 8 PM and then have the girls spend the night



  3. Indoor soccer

    Roller skating


    Go Carting

    Challenge/obstacle course

    Red Robin

    I wouldn't suggest swimming for both boys AND girls

  4. go tho great times or something

  5. My daughter had a bowling party then all the girls came home with her to spend the night.  They played flash light tag at night outside in the dark around the yard.  Had lots of snacks and watched a movie later in the evening.

  6. My daughter last year for her 12th had a dinner at Sizzlers and then had a bowling party, our local bowling alley has  disco themed night and the kids had an absolute ball..Little expensive though.. on a budget why not have a party at the park most parks have BBQ's cook up some food and have fun games like egg and spoon, sack races, thong throwing,

    water balloon volleyball (hilarious), cheap and  lots of fun.  Good luck and happy birthday to your sis

  7. go kart racing,go bowling have party there.have a junior disco,have party at aqua center,

  8. she could have the boy/girl party during the day then the girls could have a slumber party that night.

  9. Get a large table area at a restaurant, eat there, and then go to a movie.

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