
What should my sister do since she is getting "touched" by an autistic classmate?

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It's not *as* bad as it sounds, but it still is not acceptable.

"Joey" is another 10-year-old in their fifth grade class, but he has a case of autism that results in a great deal of sympathy from his classmates.

For the past schoolyear, he has been taking advantage of this pity. Whenever his assigned supervisor is not in sight, he immediately starts touching//poking his classmates.

For example, he repeated poked my sister on her bare shoulder [about where the collar stops and some skin shows] even when she asked him to stop. After swatting his hand away, he giggled and clutched her upper thigh.

He has done this many times, among other things such as grabbing girls' chests, grabbing both girls' and boys' butts, and has even ventured under a classmate's desk in order to grab her butt.

None of the students wish to report the him to the teachers because whenever he gets in trouble, he bursts into tears.

What do you think the students should do?




  1. The fact that he waits until no one is around or watch shows that he is manipulative and able to control that behavior.  I would definitely refer it to the teacher who should in return immediately contact the case manager.  They need a behavior intervention plan immediately in they want to keep that student with in the district.  If they are unable to meet his needs and get his behavior undercontrol and new program may have to be looked at for him!

  2. I think that this behavior should  be reported,  because this young man need to understand how uncomfortable this makes his classmates feel. Get this young man the help he needs.  Maybe this is happening to him.

  3. Well, obviously a child's curiosity grows as they grow up, whether they are abled or not abled. This case is autism. Repetition action on a particular object is the charateristic for an autism child. He'/she may not aware of his/her action is distrupting to others. Frequent monitoring and observation must be done in class and other activities. If the concerned child causes frequent discomfort to his/her peers, he/she should be removed from the class and attend to immediately by an expert. Reasoning out with most tender and delicately until he/she is able to control the urge then only he/she will be included in the mainstream.

  4. Fisrt of all: If he is autistic he can't help what he's doing and doesn't know that it's wrong. He's not trying to take advantage; he simply doesn't know any better. My advice would be for your sister to tell the teacher to have a talk with him, not get him into trouble, just a talk with him about why this is wrong and if the behavior persists, then she should tell the teacher again and again until the problem is solved.

  5. She needs to tell someone at school immediately. If she does not feel comfortable doing it have her explain it to your parents who should report it. I appreciate that your sister and her classmates are concerned about the boy's feelings however  your sister's safety and security supercede them.

    The special education staff may be able to work with the student possibly through social stories about why this is wrong and your sister will be safe. Who knows this student may have been more abusive towards other classmates and this will encourage them to speak up as well. Never underestimate the safety of children at school.

  6. tell the guidence counselor and let them figure out what to do

  7. Your parents need to address this with the school.  What you described may or may not be a manifestation of the students autism; however, your sister should not be put in that position to try to figure that out.  If they have put "Joey" in a general education classroom it is because he was found to be able to function in that environment.  His behavior seems to say otherwise and may need to be evaluated.

  8. Sorry but she needs to report him.  There is something wrong in the class if the teacher doesn't know this is going on.  If it doesn't get stopped it will just get worst.  I am a teacher in a Special Day Class, and there are occasions when a child will put their hands on another student and I miss it so I depend on the kids to report anything they know they shouldn't do.  Autistic or not he must learn to respect peoples personal space.  Part of being in a special education room is to teach him how to behave so that they can function in a regular education class room without getting suspended or expelled.  In my school this child would have been suspended at the least by now.

  9. Now is the perfect time to teach your sister to be her own advocate.  Autism is a terrible disease, but no one has the right to touch others inappropriately.  Your sister needs to go to the teacher EVERY time he inappropriately touches her.  If nothing happens, your mom or dad need to get involved.  By doing nothing, you are teaching her to be a victim.  You are helping both parties by telling.  This little boy is growing up.  What happens when he gets to middle school/ high school/ graduates?  If this behavior doesn't stop, he will have a 10 x 10 cell regardless of his diagnosis.  You sound like a wonderful sister.  Share your concerns with your parents and encourage your sister to go to her teacher or a guidance counselor for help.

  10. There needs to be more accountability.   Sorry, but if the child cannot be properly supervised, he needs to be moved to a different learning setting.  Behaviors need to be addressed, no matter how the child reacts.  Some autistic kids know exactly what they are doing and will continue to misbehave until taught different behavior.

  11. The student should not worry because the autistic kid will learn to become more socialy accepted in time. Ur sister should not show any emotion when confronting him. If she shows anger he will just get plessure out of it. So just stay calm and soon he will get tired.

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