
What should my wage be as a Graphic Designer?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there,

I have been working as a graphic designer/artworker in a large printers for almost 3 years. I have all the qualifications that I need and have also had work experience before starting my job with some good companies. I am also the most experienced for my position in the company I work for now.

I am due a pay rise so have asked my manager and he says that I am already getting paid above the minimum that the union states. What union is he talking about?

I've done a little research and by the looks of it with my experience I should be on £4,000 a year more. I'm not going to state my wage online but would like to know what wage I should be on at my level.

Anyone have any ideas?





  1. Apart from experience and qualifications, there are some more important facts that I am gonna explain, in the following paragraphs there are 4 different ways you may concern, find which of them is true for your situation and follow the given advice:

    1. For many people wage, salary and generally output is the most important issue to pick up a job, you didn't mentioned how much do you earn but as you said there are some companies that pay more wage if I were in your shoes I'd tried my chance applying for the job.

    2. As you most probable know there is a rule in business trading system that if you have the opportunity to expand your business or make it more profitable but at the time it is not satisfactory, it worth if you keep doing it, although it would be a difficult time but at last you will make your way to success.

    3. What can make you different is your performance not experience and not qualifications because what you are doing is art and there is not a fix salary for art works a same painting from Vermeer and an unknown artist can be great deal different so don't search for other salary, try to become special and improve your skill then you will see how your wage will become special as well.

    4. There are some tricks to make the boss to pay you more, some experts believe that you should make the boss believe that how important you are for the company and then ask for a promotion, you can go for a vacation for instance and when you came back make your request firm assertive and serious as if your boss do not accept it you will resign, now he take it serious and think about it.

    I hope it would help, good luck    


  2. Careful, there are many factors, how much can the company afford, how good you are, how hard you work, how successful are you. How effective is your work in generating profits for the company.

    Looking at agency offered wages will not give the best comparison, they often inflate their wage offers to get you to apply, then they hawk you round to employers for the highest bid which may not be what was offered in the first place.

  3. printers pay very poor wages. Get a job in the software industy instead. Try datascope as an agency, or Aardvark swift.

  4. its a difficult one to be honest, make a good case and approach your manager! you have to fight your corner these days!

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