
What should nations do to control population growth?

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What should nations do to control population growth?




  1. Provide free birth control.

    Stop any tax credits for having children.

    Give tax credits for NOT having children.

    Conduct PR campaigns on TV, in print, etc. that show the horrors of overpopulation.

  2. nothing,God or mother nature or what ever you call it will take care of the problem as needed.

  3. Allow Abortion.

    Its been proven to bring down crime.. by allowing women the choice of when they can have children. By having children later, they can be more educated and therefore pass on better wisdom to their children.

  4. sterilization of indigent fathers, same for mothers, after the second b*****d child.....oooooohh...that's probably as apolitically incorrect as I can get ....truth is, right now, nature's way is taking care of it in overpopulated areas via disease, and other natural disasters......

  5. Promote birth control.  Hold classes on how to deal with parenting, etc...and on birth control.  Encourage families not to have too many children.  The biggest solution is knowledge and that will get some people to reduce their desire to give birth.

    Also, another big factor is economical.  I think if you increase living standards it would poorer countries, from what I read, they have more births and have a high birth rate.  There is a correlation from what I hear.  Not sure if it is totally accurate, but if it is a cause then they should improve the conditions inside a country.  But mainly education, prevention (through being knowledgeable), and information are the keys to reducing births/cutting down growth pop.  And no, abortion in my opinion, is NOT a key to stopping crime.  Its just a theory and a theory that I don't agree with (I've read Freakanomics and I like the book, but I don't agree with the point it made about reducing crimes with abortions).  However, I respect that view and I would just like to hear more proof before I would believe that abortion has any effect on that.

  6. Education about the benefits of small families and birth control methods should be adopted

  7. most nations don't have that problem, only the crappy ones

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