
What should one do if the Clint whom he is working are bad pay masters,they make me run around a lot .?

by  |  earlier

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We are into paint application,we work for builders, developers & contractors like SOBHA, BLK, SP,ROHAN ect. out of these few are vear bad pay master,thay thing that we donot have to answer any one and they take their own sweet time, and that attitute turn me off.

We are looking for some serious solution,KINDLY HELP US OUT.




  1. Here are a few tips to help you :

    1. Identify the unmentioned aspects of ur work order

    2. Exploit these when payment is made

    3. Never refuse any payment whatsoever

    4. Study the weakness of ur masters

    5. Spend money in proportion to what u receive ( dont employ more people)

    6. In the name of somebody's sickness, death etc. knock out advance payments from time to time.

    7. Most important, ascertain the urgency of the work. Carry out work in such a pace that u become the most important person that is, when some inspection is due or when some day is fixed for muhurat etc.

    8. Leave your work spot frequently telling that Reliance or some big company has called u for giving u a major assignment or that u have other places where u have to attend urgently etc

  2. A lot depends on ur company's standing, its policies and rules..also, if the market knows that you will lose no time in seeking legal redressal, payments will be more I said, the grapevine matters a lot

  3. On the whole mutual agreement towards service project and payment should be made before execution of the job.

    Then donot complete the major part or work till you get 90% payment leave 10% of work pending where it is prime for looking


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