
What should one do when the scars from their years of cutting is making them suicidal?

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I'm 16 now and have been cutting since... 13 years old I think? I know the scars I have (and I have SOOO many, covering all over my body) are never going to go away. They are permanent. If my body is like this I don't even want to live. I've ruined myself and nothing gives me happiness anymore. The scars are not ever going away and I don't want to live like that.




  1. The scars actually make you stronger later.  I have them too.  It gets better, and it's nowhere near as bad when you get older.  People aren't as cruel, as when we are younger.  They have less time to judge others because we are all dealing with some sort of wound or scar.

  2. Stay strong hun, it will get better. Buy mederma (sp) at the store (walmart, a pharmacy, wherever) and that should help the scars fade. I know how hard things are, i'm in the same boat, if you ever need to talk, I'm here.  

  3. Think before you do something you'll regret! I don't think you want to have more scars from a suicide attempt. This childish attitude won't help you. If you had the courage to cut yourself like that, now have the courage to face your mistake!! Don't take the easy way.

    Sorry, I don't want to be too hard with you but what you say doesn't make sense. Having scars is not a reason to kill yourself, you can still walk, you can still breath! There are thousands of people in a worse situation than you are. Not everything in life is about physical appearance!! You think I don't know what it's like? I know exactly what you're going through. I'm the same age you are and have the same problem. I cut for years and have lots of horrible scars, but this doesn't mean I don't want to live anymore!! I quit a year ago and this was the best thing I could have done. Yes, you're human, you made a mistake and that mistake has consequences. Well, accept it and go on with your life! You fell down and now you have the oportunity of standing up again! The scars will fade a little and your pain too. You just need time. Someday, you'll look at your scars without feeling ugly, they'll be just a memory of something you don't want to repeat, and it won't hurt anymore. You'll get over it, but don't throw in the towel.

    Life's not always easy, but it's worth it. Be strong!

    If you need to talk, anything, feel free to contact me.

  4. i hope you're not still cutting but i'm not going to try to convince you to stop; that's up to you...

    i think that in time you'll get used to it and not mind them too much.. but there are products i've heard about that supposedly get rid of scars or at least make them less noticeable. you could try those.

  5. It's too bad I can't give you a hug over the interwebs, because if I could, I most certainly would. My heart goes out to you.

    I understand your frustration, as I also self-injure (currently trying to recover). What you need is a strong support system. I strongly advise you to reach out to those who love you, and talk to them if you ever feel suicidal. Joining an online support group can be beneficial too. I strongly recommend

    Be proud of your scars. They show that you've been through a lot, and more importantly, that you managed to survive. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, people will stare. Yes, people will ask questions. And yes, people will be rude. But so what? They don't understand what you've been through. Most people will be mature about it and look past it, but you will still get questions. If someone asks you about your scars, just say something like, "Oh, THAT. *dry laugh*...It's a long story" and they will usually leave you alone. If you do want to cover up/get rid of them, these YouTube videos offer some helpful tips: and

    Stay strong and stay safe. You'll be in my prayers.

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