
What should one expect from shadowing a dentist?

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Eventually I'd like to get into dental school. However, I'm a bit intimidated by the shadowing process. It's not that I'm afriad of the actual clinical stuff... it's just that shadowing seems so awkward. I shadowed my family dentist and they just had me walk around, form appointment to appointment, observing. That was fine, but I can't imagine getting hundreds of hours this way... The hygenists seemed annoyed, and the dentists weren't exactly used to me being there. Was I doing something wrong? What SHOULD shadowing regularly be like?




  1. I think that finding a good dentist to shadow is key.  I didn't do it, but some of my classmates did.  I found it difficult to find someone (since I don't have any connections through relatives), since the laws where I live pretty much prohibit anyone without a license (ie, dentist, hygienist or licensed assistant) touching the patient and confidentiality really limits who is present.

    If you find someone who would let you assist, that's fantastic!  When you talk to the dentists, ask them how involved they will allow you to be.  You will also want to find someone who will explain what they are doing, otherwise it will be very boring to watch.  Ask them in advance if they would be okay with you asking questions as they go.  Most probably would be, but it will be good for you to know this so you don't feel awkward asking.  If you are really ambitious, you might even be able to call in the day before to find out what's on the program, and then read up a bit on some of the procedures you might be watching.  (Although this isn't expected by any means.)  Also be sure to ask about safety measures and infection control so that you can know this beforehand instead of finding out by doing the wrong thing.  

    If they aren't used to having you there, I can see how you might feel ignored or in the way.  I wouldn't take it personally, you probably didn't do anything wrong.  The best thing to do would be to find someone who doesn't look too busy, and ask them to fill you in on who is doing what that day.  Pick something that interests you, and then approach the person beforehand (if you can) and ask if they would mind if you tag along with them.  As people get to know you, they will probably become more comfortable with you and may involve you more.

    If you feel like you are seeing the same things over and over with your family dentist, you could ask him if he knows any specialists you could shadow.  He probably has dental school buddies he still talks to in the area who might be doing some interesting things you could watch, even if they only bring you in for one or two specific procedures.  (Sometimes they have to ask the patients in advance if they would mind having a student present.)

    Oh yes...and be sure to send a thank-you note afterwards!

    Good luck!

  2. when i had to shadow i had to do two different offices. the first one sucked they told me to just stand against the wall and stay out of the way basically. at the other office the doctor actually let me assist. and now I'm working at that office. hopefully you'll stick with or go to another site if you really want to.

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