
What should our reaction be to my brother-in-law?

by Guest64104  |  earlier

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My husband and I had issues this past year and I left for 4 months.

During this time he did express how unhappy he was to his family.

We ended up working our problems out and we've been back together for 6 months, which have been very nice months.

We told his children, his parents, his older brother and we thought his younger brother that things were back to normal.

His younger brother had a new baby girl while we were on vacation, we are back, my husband sent several messages of congratudlations, and we were to come over and see the baby today.

When my husband called he said he was fatigued, and thought it wasn't a good idea that my husband and I are back together.

My husband is now pissed, about to write off his brother, and I am wondering what you would do in this situation?




  1. Truthfully, it's not common for couples to separate for 4 months to deal with problems and then tell everyone about it. His brother obviously thinks that doing that was extreme and that you will have problems again down the road. He probably blames you for his brother's unhappiness and thinks his brother is being stupid by going back to you. I think you need to respect the brother's feelings and back off for awhile. Let your husband go see his family alone for awhile and stay away until things blow over and you can both prove to them that things are better.  

  2. His brother is entitled to his opinions.I do not know what problems you had, but your brother in law does.

    Time will tell if he is right or not.

    Let it go and tell your husband to let it go.If he is wrong,you hope he will be man enough to admit later on down the road.

  3. It's not his life he has no reason to be has NOTHING to do with him...he needs to p**s OFF

  4. I would do nothing, his brother has the right to voice his opinion, just as your husband has the right to be angry, families don't always agree on one member's life choices.  

  5. you can't get mad with someone because of their long as they give it then let it go.good luck.

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