
What should pilots do after reaching 1500TT?

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After getting to the initial 1200TT and then getting your ATP at 1500TT what options are there for pilots? What jobs should you pursue?




  1. What pays, what's fun and who hires you.  There are other ratings (sea, rotorcraft); type ratings (DC-3, Ford Trimotor come to mind).  Gliders....

    Do something to continue to learn the craft.  You can fly 1500 hours or one hour 1500 times.

  2. Commuter airline or corporate copilot.

  3. Join the commercial airlines or the regional commuters or the bigger courier companies.

  4. it depends on the country you're in and the opportunities open to you at the time. during my time the natural progression was to be at the tail end of instructing and getting a look in at the regionals locally or the airlines overseas (basically cathay/dragonair/emirates etc etc) depending on whether the individual was going for the lifestyle at home or the expat route. by the way, there's no such thing as an atp anymore, it's called an atpl. just like ppl, cpl, atpl. have you ever heard of a ppp, cpp, atp?? you ARE an atp but you have an atpl. capiche.

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