
What should schools and daycares do to protect our children?

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What should schools and daycares do to protect our children?




  1. First and foremost, the environment needs to be as safe as possible. When kids are in large groups with each other for long periods of time, anything can happen. There need to be enough attentive adults around to watch the children and respond if anything happens or could happen.  Secoundly, teachers need to teach children to be safe and how to be careful. This involves training the kids to listen and behave properly while the teacher is giving instructions and also teaching and practicing safety techniques. For example, in case there is an earthquake, kids need to get under their tables.   When crossing the street, children need to look both ways and put their arms up while crossing the street (at least this is what we do in Japan).  Teachers and school staff also need to know how to take precautionary actions in many different situations. Sadly I think a great deal of teachers and even schools are clueless about how to protect children.

  2. Have all entrances locked with entry buzzers and cameras. All visitors to sign in and be accompanied around the premises. Impress on the children that they must never open the doors even if the recognise the person on the other side.

    playgrounds must be locked and secure from passing strangers.

    An inspected fire alarm system and frequent fire drills.

    Windows with locks especially if the premises has a first floor

    All staff to be aware of stranger danger, fire exits and safe places within the school in case of a lunatic getting access to the premises.

  3. jillybird

    That sounds like a very scary place for our babies to be.

    I don't have faith in someone else protecting my children. We homeschool.

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