
What should she do/what are her rights?

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A few weeks ago my best friend and her husband were hanging at a friends house with another couple and a single friend. Later in the evening she walked in on her husband making out with their single friend!! He then proceeded to jet from the house with this girl and has been out of the house for weeks. He has been acting very erratically and angry towards everyone that questions what is going on. He stormed into the house the other night late demanding to talk to her. Called the police for me (I am her female BEST friend) being there and then when they arrived told the police he overreated and left! Since then he has become hostile and angry with others at a drop of a hat.

The question is they have two young children and they were with him last night and came home telling their mother that daddy was on the phone last night, yelling and screaming and saying he needs to talk to his friggin lawyer. Should she feel comfortable letting him take her kids for visits?




  1. That's very erratic behavior.  Could be drug related.  I think she needs to talk with her lawyer as she could be endangering her children.

  2. At this point, I wouldn't advise her to allow him to have her children.  It sounds as though he's in hot water and looking for a way out.  Drug use?  She can file an emergency custody order and stop him from taking the kids.  If she feels that they may be in danger, I'd advise this immediately!  If it were me, h**l and high water wouldn't get make me let him have my kids!!!!

    She can contact her local PD and see what her rights are.  Then she needs to contact an attorney!  ASAP!

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!  I'll keep her and her children in my prayers!

  3. nope

  4. Well, just because they heard him angry on the phone doesn't mean he's going to be a danger to his children. I personally think she needs more concrete evidence than a phone call about needing to talk to his lawyer.

    Has he done anything else? I mean, my husband despises his ex and she to him, and they've had some pretty heated arguements. But it doesn't mean he would put his daughter in danger...ever!

  5. Its obvious this man is immature and decided to take a girlfriend. I suggest that your friend talk to this estranged husband of hers and tell him that there is a time and a place for appropriate behavior and the children don't need to hear or witness such. Sounds like that husband/dad has ALOT of growing up to do. Sad that the children think so much different and blame themselves when there are outburts like this. The mom should put her foot down on this and these children need to be reassured that they are loved and its not their fault.

  6. This man's behavior sounds like drug use -- could be coke or meth with his confused anger and acting erratically.  If that is indeed the case, she needs to contact an attorney AT ONCE and keep her children away from him.  

    EDIT:  Here is a small example of how anyone can get mixed up with drugs:

    A few years ago, my husband and I built a home.  One of our favorite sub contractors was our electrician.  He was a good family man, lovely wife, two children he adored, active member of a good local church ... He was a good man, had good morals, integrity, good character, and good personality.  We got to know him pretty good over the 6 months our house was being built.  Toward the end, this man's business was booming.  He hired a few new people, one was a very attractive younger woman -- who happened to do some work on our house and we met her.  She didn't "look" like a drug user -- but she was.  Soon, this man started flirting with this new employee, then they started having an affair, then she got him on the meth -- at first it was great, for about 6 months.  Now, he has lost EVERYTHING.  His wife, his kids, his home, his business, his wonderful standing in the community ... and he doesn't care.  All he cares about is getting more meth.  He is 40 years old.

    It happens all the time.

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