
What should someone do if they think they might be depressed?

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And how should that person tell their mom?




  1. depression is subjective. it is not a constant, it varies by the minute, if you do feel this way try to keep yourself busy. do things that will keep you physically involved, try writing in a journal everyday at a specific time, make it a ritual. you could also pick up a healthy habit of doing some sort of exercise everyday, again at the same time everyday, this gives you something to look forward to doing and when you are done it will give you a sense of accomplishment. other ideas: do volunteer work, by doing this you help others and that always makes anyone feel better. you are what you think you are. be happy!-blurey

  2. start to do something for yourself, a hobbie of some kind, walking alone, drawring, reading etc

    excersize a small amount everyday, eat 5 portions at least of fresh fruit and avoid prosessed foods and meat.

    Go see your doctar, he can have small talks with you which might make you see what is making you feel sad and see what he can do to help you if you need some different people to speak to.

    Make sure your mom is not busy, maybe she is watching tv or eating dinner with you. Then tell her you have been feeling sad and you think you have been feeling sad enough to try to get help from someone.

    I hope you feel better soon and get well :) Good luck xx

    [EDIT] : to "flyingprimate" I have had experience with depression. Although i can see the point that if you are in a very dark depression it is not something that you would automatically think of, i am simply answering this persons questions with a straight and practical answer. I have had an eating disorder for 8 years and problems with mental health and social anxiety for 12 years and one of the only things which really helped me was being reffered to a gym run by a group of people specilising in excersize for those with depression. its proven to help as is tweaking your diet... If Katie is talking about herself here then speaking to her mom and taking these practical steps with help and support she will no doubtedly get are some of the BEST ways of getting happier and healthier again :)

  3. That person should tell their mom. It always to help to talk about. I wish that PERSON good luck!!

  4. here's a way to know if you are depressed. you look at the above answers and think, "no! i don't feel like exercising! i don't feel like taking up a hobby." clinical depression means that you have no motivation to do things. and that when people(although well meaning) give you that kind of advice, you feel like no one understands. because if you could just exercise and take up a hobby and volunteer somewhere, you wouldn't need advice about depression. those are all good things to do while trying to recover. but you may need to just start to acknowledge the feelings and symptoms. i advise people to see a therapist or counselor, because that's what helped me. it could help you too. is your mom open to your feelings? is she critical or will she think you are exaggerating? do you think she will understand? the bottom line is, you need to seek help. if you don't think your mom will be responsive, find someone(an aunt, a teacher, a friend) who you can talk to who might be able to help you talk to your mom. if you can't find anyone to talk to, try going to this website.

    they have phone numbers that you can call, and they even offer a screening to help see if you have depression.

  5. they should tell their mom .Everyone goes through it once in their life and being young is a hard one  you have so many changes but it will pass and life only gets better.

  6. Well when I was a teenager I tried getting help for my depression.  I told my mom that I was depressed and that I was tired of feeling that way.  I was told to grow up and get over myself.  That everyone's depressed.

    If you are still living at home with your parent(s) you need to tell them.  The easiest way is to just go up and say "mom, I'm feeling depressed".  If that does nothing call the police and tell them you are feeling depressed.  Or find a way to the ER and tell them you are depressed.  They will get you the help you need.

    Good Luck

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