
What should someone do when they're all alone?

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Okay, So I'm lonely.

As an example:

No one but you is home. Everyone else is gone out. None of your friends are online to talk to and its probably too late to call to hang out. You have no one to talk to (say your single without bf/gf) and you're lonely as anything. What can someone do when they are all alone and sad but seriously have no one to be with/talk to?

(I'm 16 btw, So I'm not lookin' for answers like "Go out to a bar/club and meet someone!" 0.o)




  1. Have internet relations. Be careful of predators, though.

  2. I try to find things to do. Play a video game, read a book, pray, go for a walk. Its not a whole lot of anything but it keeps me from being sad and depressed.

  3. You can talk to your Yahoo Answers friends :D

    I dunno. I'm 19 myself, and I've had a lot of nights like that the past few years. One day I just decided I wasn't doing anything interesting enough, so I started to go to an athletic club. Now I go like everyday, so that's what I do in my spare time.

    So just find a hobby. It's good cause it keeps your mind busy from your troubles and you get to become better at something at the same time.

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