
What should teenagers put in their car?

by Guest65046  |  earlier

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hi. im 16 and jus got a '06 suzuki forenza. im gonna be driving to school everyday next month and wanted to know what kind of things (school things? my credit card for gas. first aid kit.) i should put in my car. just curious.




  1. You never know what you might need in case of an emergency. Make sure you keep the following items in your vehicle.

    Fully charged cell phone

    Pen or pencil and a pad of paper

    Vehicle operating manual

    Emergency service information

    Signal flares

    Instant plug for flat tires

    Flashlight with extra batteries

    Bottled drinking water

    Preserved snacks


    Paper towels

    Jumper cables

    Warning triangles or reflectors

    Engine coolant

    Windshield wiper fluid

    Tire pressure gauge

    Ice scraper

    Vehicle jack with flat board for soft surfaces

    Tool kit including duct tape and heavy gloves


  2. Condoms - you never know when you'll need them.

  3. Cell phone(charged of course),Jack,towel's(i don't like a dirty car its annoying to me),antibacterial wipes(Gas pump's are dirty),1st aid kit,Water,Blanket,Flashlight.That's Bout' it.

  4. Air Freshener

    Clorox wipes (interior gets dusty)

    Anti-bactirial hand sanitizer (when you fill up on gas, you just touched the nastiest thing ever)

    A lot of napkins


    A disposable camera if you don't have a camera phone.

  5. A little dab of common sense would go a long way.

  6. Bring a cellular phone that works, some bottled water in the trunk and maybe some food that doent go bad, and like you said first aid and stuff like that, good luck with your new car! =) and i think everyone should report the sick people writing about SICK stuff!

  7. You have a fairly new vehicle, so you shouldn't need too much beyond what is in there now . If you feel that you need/want a 1st aid kit, go for it . Most folks who have vehicles today don't know where the spare tire is, much less how to change a flat . Drag out the jack and learn how to use it . Keep the vehicle clean inside and out . It will fill up with junk and debris in no time if you're not on top of it . Don't allow any smoking or throwing anything out the window . Anything that you might get flagged for is also going to be the responsibility of your folks (til you're 18) . When you are behind the wheel, you are in charge - no matter how old your passengers are . Everybodys life, including your own, is in your hands . No messing around.

    Looks like you're in great shape . Go easy and have a great life . All the best.

  8. Put whatever you want in it. It's your car therefore you have the freedom to customize it to your taste, and budget. Air freshner and CD visors are always practical.

  9. u need 2 put air fresheners, extra clothes (just in case), first aid kit, lip gloss, a mirror, stuff like that.

  10. First aid kit, spare tire, small fire extinguisher, purse of small change in case of emergencies, umbrella.

    Any necessities.

  11. ummmm guys should put in an airfreshner. dayyym! you guys STINK!

  12. You put yourself in the car, with whatever you'll need for where you'e going. Although I mght get flack for saying so, I don't think you need a first aid kit. In a couple of years you might need a bandage from it, but they'll be dried out and worthless.

    You don't put your license in the car. You cary it with you, in your wallet. Same for crdeit cards.

    Don't use the car for a locker for personal stuff. Keep it clean inside and if you have to leave anything in it, put it where it can't be seen, under a seat or in the back.

    Good luck, drive safe.

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