
What should teens have to buy... what should parents have to buy?

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I am 14 years old.... just starting high school!

What should i have to buy for myself?

And what should my mom buy for me?

I am talking EVERYTHING here.... makeup... clothes.... food.... movies... cell phone bills.... school lunch.... music.... purses... and tons more anything you can think of please make a list of what i should buy and what my mother should buy for me


btw im a girl....




  1. haha aw your just a frosh. ill be a junior at my highschool in a few days so i can help you out.

    If you get allowance, then purses, makeup, clothes and other apperal items should come out of your own pocket (don't bother discuss this and debate it with your parents, ive tried, and if you love designer clothes like me, parents won't be much help) - they think that walmart brand is the same as abercrombie and fitch, so my suggestion is save up your own money and buy whatever you want when you go shopping with friends/mom. oh, and don't dress too S****y - im telling you this as an upperclassman, we find it totally annoying when frosh girls dress up older than they really are. boys won't think much of you (though they might act like they do, but they will end up telling us older girls what they really think in the end.. so just be careful)

    makeup, go with your mom even if you pay with your own money... she knows a lot more about concealers and lipstick than any of your friends do, because shes used it longer then they have. and if youre really nice and act all girly and cute she might even buy some make up for you lol. its worked for me haha

    movies and activities, do with your friends.. ask your mom or dad for some money, but if you go out like everyday, then their sympathy will waiver... when i go to places ilke 6 flags, my parents pay because i don't have a job yet, but money for movies and other stuff like bowling i gotta supply..

    you can go to movies with your parents if you want... i used to be totally embarressed to do stuff like that, and you still might, but movies like mamma mia are solely made to go see with moms! i did and it wouldn't have been as good  if i saw it with anyone else!

    music, get limewire, its fast and free, and itunes is a total waste of money. no one uses that anymore.

    phone bills.. haha this one was a hassle for me and my fam. especially with the texting.  don't run your bill up high, and stay within reason. i exceeded my limit by a mile one time and had to pay back every penny. talk to your parents about plans and stuff before you decide whos gonna be paying what

    lunch money.. um lol i don't buy from school so much, but the days that i do, i pay out of my own pocket. always have spare change in your pocketbook because chances are youll need it one day and a vending machine will help you out

    don't stress too much about highschool. yeah its a bigger place and yeah the kids are older, but the important thing is to stay on top of your grades and have fun... one thing though, your relationship with your mom is gonna be tested through these years, so trust each other... if you say youll be back by 11 from a party, stick to your word... if you don't, you have bigger fish to fry with your mom than what to buy with her and what not to

    well ive done my good deed of the day for today

    have fun with everything and remember that highschool is just a phase so learn to enjoy it while it lasts

    im a peer mediator at my school, i got selected from my fellow classmates and teachers, so if you need any help you can email me on my yahoo site  anytime. bye!

  2. Your mother feeds and gives you shelter what more do you want from her?  You can go baby sit and by the stuff you don't really need like makeup and your style of clothes.

  3. You parents should provide food, shelter, health care and basic items of clothing/shoes.  Everything else is negotiable.  If you want extra things then you are old enough to do babysitting or something to earn money.

  4. my mother buys me everything i need for school and not for school  

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