
What should the Pens throw on the ice so they dont feel left out?

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a. Dead Zebra

b. Dead Penguin

c. Dead Killer Squid

d. [you choose an animal]




  1. Pavel Datsyuk.

  2. Not one of you fans picked Jagr's

  3. I'm going to help Erica with secruity! ;)

  4. they should throw on the death of crosby's ministache.

    lol why the chicken.

    and i saw this in mikes question <)))><. i never knew you were so smart.

    if it has to be an animal i would throw on a hammerhead shark/ a blue whale/ sea urchins.

  5. They should throw some fake beards for Crosby and Fluery so they stop embarassing everyone in Pitt.

  6. b. Dead Penguin

  7. lipstick... cindy will like it!

    or... maybe some flippers considering all of the diving he'll be doing.

  8. How about some fish. Don't penguins eat fish?

  9. how about a live zebra?  That'd be awesome... watching those legs go flying in every direction as it tries to stand up... just picture it heh.

    Boiling water is also a good choice.

    EDIT:  Joe, yeah, I definitely agree.  Especially since it's not really coat weather anymore, heh.  Plus, I don't think zebras really like being picked up and carried, so it might squirm.  (I'm picturing the deer scene from Tommy Boy, but with a zebra, and in the parking lot of mellon arena).

    EDIT:  Heh, it IS a possibility!  It totally makes sense, too, since zebras are native to the pittsburgh area.  And no, I get out of work at 3:30, heh.  I'm bored at home.  Plus, I don't have access to the internet at work. :(.

    EDIT:  Erica, I'd just be worried about the horse breaking two of its ankles, and then having to be euthanized on the ice (a la kentucky derby)... can you imagine how many young pittsburghians would be scarred for life??  a zebra is a much safer option. :).

  10. Chunks of steel

    ***Just open up the roof and let the acid rain fall

  11. Some sort of fish.  Its what every other wannabe team does.

  12. Rolls of quarters.That should stop the game for a while.

    **Greg-That is a funny image but a ***** for the guy trying to sneak a zebra under his coat.

    ***Greg again-I like how were talking about this like its a possibility.Are you as bored at work as I am?LOL

  13. A copy of the GM Quarterly Report

  14. A dead monkey wearing a shredded up Detroit jersey.

  15. no animals. they should throw RLY wholey swiss cheese at chris osgood in net.


  16. If I'm in Detroit... I'd lob a freshly made, warm bottle of urine at the goalie

    Hey, you asked

  17. d. anything with 4 legs... 4 wins til the cup for both teams.

  18. Primanti Bros Sandwiches.

    ADD: WAIT! Amen to Steely McBeam! That guy's a disgrace.

  19. Steely McBeam

  20. I think they should throw out boxers or bras.

    Added: How exactly do you hide a zebra in your pants?

  21. Well keeping with the tradition of a limb for all eight wins need in olden days to win the cup I would go with a stop sign at least it has eight sides

  22. The Pens are too good to follow trends. =)

    lol the news was just interviewing them about the octopus. Talbot answered, "I don't really care. I'm just here to play the game."

  23. dead chicken skinned and painted like a penguin

  24. penguins would not be a good choice, dead penguins to me represents a dead team. i would throw fish because penguins destroy them, and they do the same to their opponents

    so i guess my answers d

  25. Sorry,Bandwagon fans don't have the guts to throw anything on the ice.They'd rather jump on the Red Wings bandwagon if they wanted to do any sort of "luck charm".

  26. knives

  27. Erica, I like the sound of that....I WANT TO BE SECURITY!!

  28. e) Im gonna throw myself on the ice.

  29. Dead Zetterberg

  30. Polar Bear (preferably live-it would be so funny watching the ice crew trying to get that off the ice)

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