
What should the U.S. government do to increase the value or worth of the U.S. dollar?

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What should the U.S. government do to increase the value or worth of the U.S. dollar?




  1. As someone who has studied the US economy from outside, I have some bad news.

    The slide in the US dollar can be reigned it and fortified, but it will mainly be through the actions of foreign governments and speculators, not through anything that the US government or Fed Res can do or is likely to do.

    The USD is priced against other currencies with a progressively greater worth than the USD.  Trouble is that there are a number of nations that have the ability to flood the market with USD, and the Fed Res has been aiding and abetting the decline in your currency, at your expense, since it's inception in 1913/14.  A dollar is worth less than 4% of what it was worth back then in terms of what it can buy, and is also worth less against other currencies lately.  This may lead to the progressive decline in the USD, and possible loss of Reserve Currency status.

    The USD is like other western curencies : Fiat and backed by bery little (Switzerland still has a Gold Standard, but not a 100% one since 2000).  Any attempt to re-monetise precious metals is impossible: there are far more USD's just in the form of currency legal tender (let alone the 90+% of the market that is electronic floating cheques) than the equivalent value of all the gold ever mined (approx 24 million Tr.ox). That is just regarding the US.  

    There will be ups and downs as regards the USD, but I doubt there will be much long term recovery for quite some years.

  2. Deport Canada

  3. First thing first is to stop issuing more money.

    Second thing... Oh well, we're in for a few year to fix that... Call it a Republican massacre. Gotta shift the budgets towards where it's really needed. Spend the billions INSIDE the country and if you wanna help democracy and people spend some of those billions giving their homes back to New Orleans.

  4. thats the million dollar question... or should i say a buck ninety-nine after taxes. i know we need to decrease our dependancy on foreign oil. hopefully more companys will incorporate a 4 day work week and we will also incorporate more public transportation. i know the rebates were supposed to encourage spending, but the mortgage pits and the unemployment rates are making it necessary to use the rebates just to keep food on the table and other basics. in my city the layoff from places like ford and ge are devastating to our economy. not only does it affect those companys but also the local company that makes the seating for the trucks and cars. the delivery companies that ship the appliances are also out of luck. it is a domino effect. government has become too big and too controlling... heathcare and insurance costs are outrageous. home owners and car insurance prices in my state are not controlled by the st gov because they are too busy arguing over who should have the right to get married or not... i think the gov should leave morals and ethics up to families and churches and focus on the issues that make families flourish. they are more worried about the taxes they'll make on gas and tobacco than the unemployment rates and health of the people. sorry, just venting.... what was the question????? God bless you!

  5. Decrease are trade deficit and also have the fed stop printing money out of the thin air.

  6. The government must either eliminate the Fed or otherwise end it's manipulation of the money supply.  Monetary policy causing inflation has continued for generations, and everyone is harmed.

    Deficit spending must end and the national debt repaid.  

    The politicians who caused this mess, who are virtually all politicians, must be replaced.   They should pay off the debt they brought upon us.

    The morality of individual freedom has been shunted aside by socialistic schemes forced upon us via the use of 'government'.

    Inflation is now headed to hyperinflation.  It's already too late.


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