
What should the UK do about Mugabe?

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Should we apply diplomatic pressure, invade the Country or some other solution? After all people are starving or being beaten to death out there.




  1. shoot him

  2. What has Mugabe ever done to you? Leave him alone.

  3. just hope he has an heart attack soon, he is 84 so he cant live much longer

  4. I think action has to first come from the AN, we cannot be seen to be interfering too much after only being out of there 20 or so years.

    something MUST be done, he is openly flouting the rules of fair and free elections, he doesn't have the support of his people and the only reason his neighbours aren't saying much is in case they get trailed over the same things they have done in the past.

    AN, then UN, if between them they can't do anything (which would be ludicrous) then we must step in.

  5. He has been doing this c**p for years and it was barely mentioned until now.

    The UN put him in power with sanctions against Rhodesia.

  6. Nothing as it costs the tax payer every time we interfere

  7. It's a tragic situation that i think can only be resolved by his permanent removal from power.

    He should be given a literal life or death ultimatum to step down.

    if he steps down he should be tried and imprisoned for his crimes, if he doesn't he should be taken out with a 1000lb laser guided bomb down his chimney.

  8. Probably twiddle their thumbs like normal and hope the problem solves it's self.

  9. Zimbabwe was gifted by the British government to Mugabe in 1980 (not mid-90s).

    Amazingly, he has been allowed by the West (forget the rest of Africa) to run riot since then.

    It's a bit late for all the fuss. The damage has been done.

    The only solution is to quietly take out him and his main henchmen (blame it on party dissidents) and send in a UN-led force to work with the opposition to form a new government with Western assistance.

    Rhodesia was once (and Zimbabwe could one day still be) the 'breadbasket' of Africa, run by blacks and whites working together.

  10. Do you mean the UK that Knighted Robert Mugabe,The UK that has an unelected head of state,an unelected house of lords an unelected prime minister an unelected judiciary most of it's legislation is handed down from unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and who's Parliament is currently embroiled in a scandal concerning corrupt MPs fiddling their expenses and only last week granted themselves powers to carry on in exactly the same manner.Do you honestly think that we are in a position to force democracy  on anyone?

  11. Join International Sanctions and joint EU Action.

    There is nothing else we can do.

  12. send in an assassin on the quite. I'm sure they would find lots of volunteers

  13. Nothing, it is no longer Rhodesia. Let the African Nations handle it.

    Lets spend the money on the English poor. Old people will die of cold in Britain this winter. We seem to spend fortunes on wars that we should not be in. Lets sort Britain out first.

  14. sum1 jus needs the guts to shoot him then it'll all be over.  but even then i don't think it'll ever end.  it'll be like iraq and we'll end up going to war again.


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