
What should the spacing of the cage bars be for a 10" conure?

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I have a 5' cage. The spaces in between are about 5/8", but there are a couple of spaces by the door that are 11/16". We have had it for about 5 years and it was used for an Indian Ringneck. Would this cage be appropriate for a conure? The bird is now keeped in a smaller cockatiel cage where the bars are closer together, but I would like to move her to the bigger cage if possible. I have tried to find some information, but have had no luck. Thanks in advance.




  1. A 10" conure sounds fairly small, but the general guide for a conure is 5/8 to 3/4 an inch.  The best way to test if it is safe is to take tooth picks or straws and hold them to the bars and tape them as far as the bars are the cage are apart.  Hold it in front of your parrot and show a treat on the other side.  If there is ANY way your parrot can get it's head through, (even when you're using straws that can bend) it is is an unsafe bar spacing.  11/16, However, is just a little bigger than 5/8 (10/16 reduced would be 5/8) So I think the 11/16 size would be fine.

    When moving her to the larger cage be sure you have cleaned the larger cage really well since it had bene previously used.  The best way to do it would be to take everything apart  (yes, everything, like ti was when you got the cage out of the box) and clean it with bleach (about half a capful in with about a bucket's worth) and let it air dry for several days and then rinse again and wipe it down. If you feel bleach is too risky(can't blame you) Wash it several times with something like Dawn. And be sure to rinse rinse rinse rinse, and letting it air dry to get rid of any remaining fumes is never a bad idea.

  2. Budgies usually need 1/2" bar spacing, but cockatiels can generally go up to 3/4".  Any conure is probably closer to cockatiel than budgie size, so 5/8 should be fine and a few 11/16" spaces will probably be OK.  I'd try it and watch carefully for a while.

    (10" suggests a green-cheek or maroon-bellied conure, more than a sun or jenday.  The latter two would be fine even at 3/4")

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