
What should the us use as alternative fuel?

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What should the us use as alternative fuel?




  1. Electricity.  Electric motors are extremely efficient, and we can make them as green as we want by increasing the amount of renewable and nuclear energy in our power grid.

  2. hydrogen+oxygen. people will get scared that if they drive recklessly and crash, the car will really explode. makes the highways safer that way. and cleaner.

  3. joe cell orgone energy accumulator reactor very simple but very tricky to be done here's the claims I'll link you to the site

  4. Biofuel made from algea.

    Look it up.

  5. We should use a variety of fuels as an alternative, as a nation we should not get addicted to another fuel.  We need variety, such as Biofuels (biodiesel, ethanol), electric, and hydrogen cells.  The problem is that the technology isn’t there for most of these fuels, but for biofuels it is.

    Since the United States government does not want to buy everyone’s car or truck and replace it with something new like an electric or hydrogen car biofuels are perfect they can be used with little to no modification. Bio Diesel can be used with no modification to the diesel motor.  We can use algae as the source of oil and that way no affect to food will occur. There are research and development companies one that I am familiar with Valcent, making over 20,000 gallons of oil from algae for bio fuels, they are making everything from diesel to jet fuel, at about 25 cents a gallon. though it will be higher at the pump with taxes and other costs but it shoudl be less than $2 a gallon. When this technology is released it will change the world basically we can run these fuels with little to no modification, and we can make enough to supply not only the U.S. but everyone since anyone can grow algae. The reason the technology is not released yet is patent issues and I am sure our oil baron president has something to do with it. But bio fuels are the answer to the problem the technology is there and can be used with least amount of cost.

    In the future when other technologies are economical such as the electric car and such, as a nation we need to utilize them as well. If we do use biofuels and only biofuels we will be in this same boat again one day we have to use a variety to prevent monopolies.

  6. Fairy dust,

    That makes about as much sense as anything else anyone has proposed.

    It would be nice if we had something we could use.  But alas the tree huggers have yet to find a solution, other than sit in the cold dark, and wipe your tail on a pine cone.

  7. Not ethanol made from corn - outside of destroying the land -

    as a gasoline substitute, ethanol has big problems: Its energy density is one-third less than gasoline, which means you have to burn more of it to get the same amount of power. It also has a nasty tendency to absorb water, so it can't be transported in existing pipelines and must be distributed by truck or rail, which is tremendously inefficient.

    Ethanol made from sugar cane has an energy balance of 8-to-1 -- that is, when you add up the fossil fuels used to irrigate, fertilize, grow, transport and refine sugar cane into ethanol, the energy output is eight times higher than the energy inputs. That's a better deal than gasoline, which has an energy balance of 5-to-1. In contrast, the energy balance of corn ethanol is only 1.3-to-1 - making it practically worthless as an energy source.

    While I'm for using alternative fuel source its still years away and using electricity is not practical for with the population getting larger the demand for electricity will reach it's peak in a few years.  Plus lets not forget about drought that has hit GA, AZ, NV, CA and other states  Bio-diesel is the best solution provided that they work the bugs out so it doesn't harm the engines.

    Now we can get out of being held hostage of the oil cartel by allowing oil drilling in tha BAKKEN FORMATION.  All we need to do is drill in there and there ANWR, no Gulf drilling.  The BAKKEN Formation has in excess of 275 billion barrels of oil that would supply this country and Canada for over 100 years.  It is located in North Dakota with parts in SD and MT.  Those states would like to start drilling and lets not forget the good paying JOBS that would produce.

  8. There are others that are kept in the blind for it behooves the government that caters to the oil industry.

    I myself am curios why TESLA was not funded. IF I recall, oil was about the same time discovered for its uses as his experiment.

    The diesel electric used in locomotives today were tesdted in the Stryker, yet was scrapped for unkown reason.

    If succesfull, a protype could have been tested on rigs on so on.... couda been tested on cars as well.

  9. Sorry but oil is the best fuel. Nature with the help of plants recycle CO2 into fossil fuel.

  10. Alcohol  like South America  Produces in Venezuela ? I am not sure which country...they have been  producing  Alcohol for 15 ? years ..They only use 2 percent of the  land..They can import it here cheaper then we can make it..But George won't let them.  It will not pollute the land as  corn production will..also corn needs a lot of  fertilizer,most of which runs down the  Mississippi river into the Gulf of Mexico killing it ..The dead  zones are  getting bigger each year...Soon the whole Gulf of Mexico will be DEAD..AND it will STINK

  11. Cellulose. We could convert most of our garbage and waste to ethanol as fuel.

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