
What should the world do about Zimbabwe? Robert Mugabe?

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how do we save these people?




  1. Imho, sanctions always end up hurting the people.  Mugabe is a dictator.  He'd be the last person in the country to feel the pinch from sanctions and would probably have no problem eating his own people if he ran out of other food.  He also doesn't strike me as the negotiating type, unless those negotiations result in his perpetual reign as totalitarian dictator of Zimbabwe.  I'd advocate his arrest, trial, and imprisonment or execution by the U.N. or other international body, followed quickly by a new national leader of Zimbabwe who is freely and fairly elected by the people of Zimbabwe.  The trick there is to make sure that other governments or international corporations don't skew the elections in pursuit of their own interests.

  2. A better question might be how we learn from their experience so that it doesn't happen here.  It's either that, or we wait until someone learns from their experience to ensure that it does happen here.

  3. Send in Jason Bourne or similar assassin ...

  4. Well,in short-the world has no answer to start with.Secondly-dialogue with his Party is a waste of time.He is slick and full of trickery.i imagine you share the same pain with the people of Zimbabwe.

    Firstly,the nations were zimbabweans are right now should realize that these people need help.Give them the right to have a decent life so that they can support their loved ones back home(food,clothing etc.etc.)For as long as he clings on to power,people will die and suffer.Better to issue an international arrest warrant.Make sure his assets are frozen

  5. People should realise that no one, not even in Africa, wants Mugabe to remain but the problem lies much deeper than that. Most African nationals feel that the west only cares about African issues when white people start dying. Over 500'000 people have died in Sudan yet no one hears hears Gordon Brown or George Bush making adamant statements about it...

    At the Independence of Zimbabwe in 1980, the British established as a condition that the whites Zimbabweans who represented 2.5% of the total population should retain control of the police, army, navy, all the land they then held (over 45% of the nation's surface area or over 65% of the best agricultural land) and 20% of the political seats and the administration. If you read about racism in Europe (see Wikipedia link below) you will realise that the Zimbabweans have been far more tolerant than their European counterparts...

    Which western leader can look a Zimbabwean in the face and say that that would be a perfectly acceptable situation in their own western nation with a majority white population and with an equivalent black minority controlling that much national wealth....

    Mugabe just happened to be there at the right time to take advantage of the situation, nobody really wants him. They just worry that getting rid of him means losing the land they've recovered and that was forcibly taken from their ancestors by British colonial forces.

  6. If you were President would you ask Congress for permission to invade and drive him out?   I would.

  7. Discover oil in this country and America will step in...

  8. my only suggestion, and i know its unrealistic and would probably fail horribly - set up massive aid/refugee camps in neighbouring countries and let the people vote with their feet. After he pops his clogs (hes fairly old) they could return.

    however i do think that his old age is the best thing the opposition have going for them - their best source of hope.

    he could take a cardiac at any moment. maybe they need to stress him. maybe he could catch a strange deadly virus while at an international conference. it would take a few weeks to come on, it would happen back in zimbabwe, it would look natural.

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