
What should they know?

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i was wondering what a child between the ages of 2.5-3 years should child is 2.5 he knows to count to 30,upper and lower case ABC,shapes,colors etc

how much should i teach him,what he should learn through this age?any site that can give a curriculam according to age? pls help




  1. If they know that much all ready then he's really smart and that's about all they need to know.

  2. Teach him as much as he wants to learn.

  3. It sounds like your 2.5 year old is very bright. You must be teaching him well!

    First and foremost, remember that your boy is still just a boy. And a very little one, at that! While it's great to teach those basics, like ABCs and numbers, be sure you're also allowing him to get dirty, to be silly, to turn somersaults and play in the mud. I know there is a lot of pressure to have kids "ready" for kindergarten. The truth is, most are ready naturally. A child CAN'T learn if s/he isn't ready, so no matter how much pressure a parent gives, some things just have to wait. So my first bit of advice is don't get caught up in the pressure.

    Also, since he is learning a lot of these basic concepts - through memorization and practice, I would assume - try to build up to more complex thought and see how it takes. Get him into the practice of wondering how things happen, noticing similarities and differences, noticing cause and effect relationships. Cook with him, and have him measure the ingredients and guess why each one is important. Go for nature walks and talk about what you see - what things have in common and what things are very different from the rest. Collect a few things and sort them into these categories. At first, he likely won't get it, and that's okay. But keep giving opportunities for him to have that "a-ha!" moment.

    Also, give him a little independence about things and help him learn to make good decisions (let him choose what to wear, let him choose between two or three meal ideas for dinner, etc.). At this age, they're all about independence and having some control or power in their lives.

    One website that deals specifically with kids 3 and under is  

    One that is geared toward all of early childhood is

    Either of these sites might be able to give you some idea of developmental milestones for your son's age. I hope I've helped!

  4. I know this has nothing to do with your question but i wanted to let you know i found a prenatal vitamin without gelatin-the nature made multi prenatal vitamin doesnt have any in it. I got them at walgreens. (im just starting them today but the girl that recommended them to me said she hasnt had any side effects, like nasea or anything. They are a little big but they all are so i guess we just have to deal with it haha) Good luck!

  5. either ur child is very bright or u are pushing this child too far.  Are they still having play time.  I have been a preschool teacher for 10 years and i think the most important  thing for your child to have is confidence and social skills.  Without either of these traits your child is not going to progress with their life after school.

    Learning can be great but your child could rebel if they don't enjoy it.  learning too much and being far ahead of the other students can also be determental to the child... Not all children but some children have difficulties making friends with others, they may be moved ahead to higher classes and be younger then their peers.....  Lots of things to think about... Just make sure your child is happy and go from there.

  6. All information you can give to your child is good.. Its not really what he should know, its what else can he learn?  If he knows how to count to 30 and he does it well, go higher. Keep teaching.  Dont put a limit on what you think a child can learn just because of their age. Just keep teaching.
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