
What should u do if someone follows your car?

by  |  earlier

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i live in la where road rage is common, but what happened yesterday had never happened to me b/f. so u know when theres 2 lanes in each direction & ur in the right lane & sometimes the right lane isnt wide enough that if the person in front of u stops and turns, u following them have to stop until they turn until u can continue going straight? so i was driving in the right lane when the person in front of me stopped to turn right into a parking lot, so i stopped. this guy behind me honked. a little up the same road, car in front of me again stopped to turn right into parking lot, i had to stop, same person behind me honks. so i turn right at the next light to avoid this guy. he follows me! i didnt get his license number b/c i didnt think the police can do anything in that case. all i was thinking about was my safety and losing this guy behind me. he gets in front of me, stops abruptly, then continues on. at least i lost him at this pt. continue reading below (no room here)




  1. Just keep driving.  Pretend he isn't there.

    If the car is driving right on your tail and trying to make you go faster, then keep your speed steady but slow down when you come to a point it can overtake.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED into turning off the road or deviating from your destination.  Lets face it - thats what the driver is trying to do.  Some people think the roads were built for them.  Thankfully not many....

  2. Lead him to the police station.

  3. Pull over into a public parking lot if you are able to stop; lock your doors and windows. See if you can get a description of the vehicle, the driver, licesense plate, number of occupants and direction of travel.

    After you have stopped and you start driving again and you still see the same vehicle call the police and give them as much information as you can.

  4. I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill, not all actions are life threatning, I would just say the guy is a horn nut and does this without even thinking

  5. This will p**s off democrats....

    Keep a gun with you.

  6. I'd agree with pulling into a public parking lot like a mall or Wal-mart, somewhere with a lot people outside.  Stop your car right in front of a door.  When you stop, lay on your horn and draw people's attention to your situation.  Or if you are near a police station, stop in front and blow the horn to try and get the attention of a cop inside.  

    If you are on a lonely road or highway and it's not safe to stop, then try to get a plate number and call the cops on your cell phone.  Keep driving until you can get to a public place, but never stop your car when it would only be you and him/her.  

    It doesn't hurt to carry a can of mace in the glove box.

  7. That is so scary and I am sorry that you had that happen! If you suspect that someone is bothering you then go to a police station if you can! The police are not going to be upset with you for trying to protect yourself!

    If you are not close to a police station then at least go to a well lit gas station/convenience store and either honk or ask someone outside to stand by your car and point out the person following you.

    One time on the 110 going through downtown LA I had a girl start honking next to me- she had been down to the Forum to buy tickets and a strange guy approached her. She left and he followed her (we were almost to the 5 freeway). We were yelling through open windows. I told her to follow me while I called the police and I drove her to a gas station off Figueroa and the guy kept going thankfully. Never be afraid to reach out to a stranger who could help you. There are nice people in LA too.

  8. Drive to the nearest police station. Report this to the police!

  9. If you think you are being followed while in your car, make four left- or right-hand turns in succession.

    If the car continues to follow you, drive to the nearest police station, never home or to a friend’s house.

  10. hey you do have sum nuts out here. if he\she is following you try to get to a crowed place. and dem. have guns too.

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