
What should we do about this disgusting experience at Taco Bell?

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My friend and I just got back from eating taco bell. He ordered three soft tacos, and I ordered the steak quesidilla with a soft taco.

Halfway through eating, my friend noticed the ground beef looked undercooked. Upon further investigating, even I agreed that both the meat in the tacos and in the quesidilla was pink.

Upon noticing this, we went to the front counter. I explained the situation to the "manager" and she went on to question us on it. She explained that they measure the temperature of the ground meat before building the tacos.

We do not feel taking the temperature of a vat of ground meat is an accurate way of seeing if the meat is cooked thoroughly.

We requested a refund for our meals, but she claimed she could only give us a $2 refund for the two uneaten tacos. She claimed the meat was not undercooked, and that we should have been able to taste undercooked meat at the first bite-even with the cheese, tortilla, sauce, and lettuce. She based her claim on her ability to taste undercooked steak when she eats out (at a place such as Lone Star or Outback).

We finally gave up arguing, and just left feeling sick. We really feel we should have been respected more as paying customers, and we are very upset about the way we were treated-more than we are upset about the quality (or lack there of) of the food we were served.




  1. Contact the higher ups and complain. That's about the best you can do.  

  2. Get on their website and find a number to a Headquarters. I hope you have your receipt still because they'll need the store number probably. Explain it to them. They should be a lot more understanding...

    Good Luck.

    I've noticed Taco Bell always has the worst customer service of any fast food place.

  3. well you should had called your parents out there

    or taken the under cooked taco's home and then called the health dept so they could come see them

  4. When she refused to give you a refund because you had eaten a taco you should have jammed your finger down your throat and puked it up onto the counter then said, "there, now give me my money back".

  5. Just don't go there anymore if you didn't like it.

  6. You should have kept the tacos as evidence and contacted either your local news reporters or the appropriate health agency, or both.

    Could the manager have handled this matter much better?  Of course.  However, please realize that there are many people who demand full refunds after eating the food.  Restaurant managers get suspicious and sometimes respond inappropriately to legitimate requests for refunds as a result.

  7. email their corporate. She'll be singing  a different tune to some very higher upps in no time.

  8. Write a letter to the company.

  9. They don't care.Why do you think everyone makes fun of them?Write the head office a letter,with dates,time of incident etc.

  10. Well if you really want to right the wrong ( and it takes time to do this) find out the customer service number by doing research on Taco Bell or going to the resteraunt again and the number should be in there somewhere. Talk to the big people and usually they will right the wrong somehow.

  11. Actually, they are required to take the temperature of the meat. My husband was in food service for years, and he still does that, here at home.  However, it could be that their thermometer was broken or was mishandled.  The meat should not have been pink.

    There has to be a headquarters for that TB.  Like, a district manager.  Find out where that is, and write a very nice letter of complaint.  Very similar to what you just wrote right here. Make sure you're not nasty, but explain what happened fully.  I particularly like that last paragraph you wrote.  Sums it up nicely.

    Could be that you'll get your money back, or some coupons for free stuff.  Even if you don't, at least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did what you could.

  12. first, go here...

    then file a complaint here...

    then call here...

    (don't know what state you live in...)

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