
What should we do at a party?

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I miss all of my friends terribly.

So, I think I want to host a party, just like a hang-out dinner (maybe spaghetti or something) party. We are all 16.

What are some SPECIFIC things we can do (other than play games, watch a movie, etc.) People seem to just hang out and get bored at each other's houses, so I need something that will be different.

I have a firepit,'s like every party has the traditional s'mores.

Just specific ideas would be great! Thanks!

Oh, and there would be a lot of people there.




  1. You mentioned spaghetti... how about to start off with a spaghetti scavenger hunt... hide each indregient (in a sanitary way/place of course) and divide your guests into groups and have them hunt for the dinner ingredients. Then when all have been found, make the meal and you can eat. Then afterwards, you could do something like crafts or how about doing something for a neighbor in need. Then you can have the rewards for yourself like movies, etc. My daughter had one... we called it the "Pay It Forward" party where they did one group "good deed" and then each person did something or made something nice for someone they knew. Everyone had a great time.

  2. I'm sorry you haven't seen your friends and that you miss them so much, it's the one downside of summer when you can't see your friends.  

    I DO hope you do your party and you can all get together for a night of fun!

    Some ideas for you and your friends are:

    Set up an ice cream bar.  Get chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream and whatever your favorites are and some toppings. Sprinkles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and marachino cherries and have everyone make their own sundaes. You can get the plastic sundae glasses at the dollar store or the waffle cone bowls at the grocery store.

    For food, do what YOU like and what your favorites are, so if that's tacos, do a taco bar, if it's pizza, send out for pizza, if it's bbq, grill up some hamburgers and hot dogs.  You can even ask each friend to bring their favorite dessert and then you have a big dessert bar for everyone to choose from.  You can also make a fruit salad with all the great fruit that's out there now, just make sure to sprinkle it with lemon juice so it doesn't turn brown.  You will NOT taste the lemon, it will just keep it from turning the fruit brown!

    I'm sure quite a bit of time is going to be taken up with everyone sitting around and talking and catching up with what you've all been doing over the summer so far.  

    I would make sure to have your camera on hand to take some pictures of you and your friends.  You can hang a white sheet up somewhere and use that as a backdrop so there's no distractions and then get some props like boas, funny glasses, hats, etc and you and your friends pose with each other and the props, you'll all have fun posing with each other and the props and you'll have some great pictures to remember the party with!  Of course you'll be taking regular pictures too, the backdrop is just a place to pose and have fun and then you can use the props throughout the night and take pictures throughout the night, you don't want every picture to be one that's posed for!  You have to catch some people off guard! LOL

    You can put up a volleyball net and play volleyball and badmitten.

    You can do waterballoon fights.

    You can get an inflatable kiddie pool (it's softer), fill it with water, and break into 2 teams and have a tug of war.  The losing team ends up in the pool.

    You can also do relay races like potato sack races, three legged races, wheel barrel races, etc.

    You can play charades, the would you rather questions, what if questions, Twister, etc.  What you can do is ask your friends to each come up with 5 questions and then either everyone has to answer them or you put  them in a hat and you only answer those you picked.  Some examples to help you out are:

    If you could have one super power for a day, what would you pick and why?

    If you could spy on one person for an entire day, hearing and seeing everything they do and say, but they have NO clue you're there, who would you choose?  Why?

    Would you rather travel to a country that didn't speak English, but treated you like a queen, or somewhere that they did speak English, but treated you very rudely?

    Would you rather go with your loved ones to somewhere you hate, or go all alone, but yourself to somewhere you love?

    Would you rather the date the hot looking person who is mean to you and your family and friends, or the ugly person who treats you like gold and your family and friends like gold?

    Would you rather wear the same clothes to school for one week or run up and down your street naked?

    If you were offered a $5,000 shopping spree, but the conditions were, either you can go and pick out the clothes on your own if you earn it by working hard for it for ONE year, OR get it now, but your parents go by themselves and pick out the clothes for you that they want, what would you choose?

    If you could choose the family vacation, where would you choose to go?  Why?

    If you could live INSIDE of one sitcom and live the life of one character in that sitcom, what sitcom and the star would you choose and why?

    What's one thing that's quirky about you that your friend's don't know?  Nothing horrible that is a secret you don't want to tell anyone, just something silly.

    What is your biggest pet peeve?

    You and your friends I'm sure can come up with so many better ones and have fun with it.  Pick ones that are funny and some that will make you learn more about each other.

    I'm sure you're all going to be catching up a lot of the time and eating, etc.  I have a niece/goddaughter that's 17 and that's mostly what her and her friends do when they're together, talk and hang out, and eat.  I would get the foods you like and the snacks you like and just have a fun time with your friends.  NO one is going to be bored!  You're all friends and I'm sure they all miss you just as much as you miss them and once you see each other you're all going to have so much to talk about that you forget to on the phone and online that the time is going to fly!

    I hope some of these ideas help and that you have a great party with your friends!!

  3. Murder mystery parties can be fun -- you have to buy the kits at a party store.  Have a 'wine tasting' but with beverages other than wine since you guys aren't 21.  Hire a manicurist to come over and do a mani/pedi for everyone and have a 'spa' party where you serve spa foods, light candles, have a relaxing evening. Your idea of a spaghetti dinner party is good-- have everyone bring a spaghetti sauce they made themselves and set up a 'buffet' so everyone can try the different sauces.  Serve the spaghetti in little bowls so people can have several, each with different sauces and then do a Sopranos marathon (Italian theme).

    Or host a dinner party with a particular ethnic theme (like Indian food or Chinese food or Hawaiian food).

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