
What should we do if global warming takes place in 3-5 years?

by Guest60857  |  earlier

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  1. Global warming is taking place now--and has been for years. But I'll take your question to mean, what if the effects of global warming start to really get bad in a few years.

    We need to stop CO2 emissions--that's the primary cause of our current global warming.  There's a lot o fhype about this out there--most of it wrong.  The key to cutting CO2 emissions is two things: use energy efficiently and produce our energy by means other than burning oil, coal, and natural gas.

    The misinformation has created the idea that this means loowering our standards of living and economic growth. In fact, while some measures will be costly, most will actually help consumers--thuss raising living standards--and promote economic growth.


    > Energy efficientsystems--from those compact flourescent bulbs to automobiles to energy-saving homes and appliances--all save consumers money that can then be spent on other things you'd rather buy; things like mass transit are cheaper and reduce traffic congestion (and don't mean you can't drive if that's your preferance).

    >investing in alternative energy--solar, wind, etc.) is already creating new jobs and a whole new industry--contributing to economic growth.  Research and development that is underway will help us produce more energy, without pollution or CO2 emissions--andproduce it for less cost inthe long run---again, promoting economic growth.

    If, because starting to do these things has been delayed for years, we start to suffer really serious effects from  global warming, we will have to spend a lot of money to cope with them--and the longer we wait the higher the cost will be.  We will have to build levees around many coastal cities and towns. Some farmland is going to be lost to changing climate conditions.  Water shortages may force whole regions likethe American Southwest to stop growing--some of the population willhave to be relocated, as well as millions of people from coastal areas that cant be protected by leveees from rising sea levels.  All of this--besides disrupting peoples lives--tens of millions of people--will simply cost money--and isn't the kind of thing that helps make the economy grow--its jsut a cost, not an inestment.

  2. buy shares in boat firms.

  3. You mean if it gets really bad in 3-5 years? Like really, really bad? Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice. Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years. Summer melting this year reduced the ice cover to 4.13 million sq km, the smallest ever extent in modern times.The long-term average minimum, based on data from 1979 to 2000, is 6.74 million square km. In comparison, 2007 was lower by 2.61 million square km, an area approximately equal to the size of Alaska and Texas combined, or the size of 10 United Kingdoms. The gulf steam is already delivering 30% less warm water to Europe than it was a decade ago, according to some studies. I think that the gulf stream is one of the most immediate concerns that we have and the weakening, apparently caused by global warming, could herald big changes in the current over the next few years or decade. Paradoxically, it could lead to Britain and northern Europe undergoing a sharp drop in temperatures.

    Such a change has long been predicted by scientists but the new research is among the first to show clear experimental evidence of the phenomenon. Such a change could have a severe impact on Britain, which lies on the same latitude as Siberia and ought to be much colder. The Gulf Stream transports 27,000 times more heat to British shores than all the nation’s power supplies could provide, warming Britain by 5-8C. The result of this current stopping could be mass migration from northern Europe, with the assoicated problems of starvation, epidemics, and global recession and panic, loss of trading partners etc. Dont forget that the European Union has over 459 million inhabitants — the world’s third largest population after China and India. Where are they all going to go?

      Sorry, but you did ask, and this is the worst case....what am I doing about it?

    anyway check this out. Its kind of cool and puts things into perspective.

  4. global warming is happening all the time, however if in 5 years the worst scenarios for global warming will become facts, there is almost nothing we can do now to change that.

    it will take years of research to produce alternative technologies, more years to implement them. it will take many years, even with artificial intervention means, to reduce the present levels of CO2, and it will take major investments is infrastructure, education and technology.

    if we are about to see an average global rise of temperatures by several degrees in 5 years, my best advice is to invest in a residence away from the sea, from waterways, from places where storms and wild climate fluctuations are expected, but I don't know if there are such places, and certainly not where such places are. The idea is to run and hide, but where to?

  5. In 3-5 years slight change might happen, this warming will have serous effect after 30-40 years,unless united nations take action against  global warming acts

  6. PRAY!!!

  7. don't move to the Netherlands!

  8. global warming is a slow continuous problem so your question doesnt make that much sense

  9. The Biblical scholars predict the new world will take effect in 2012. That should put your question just about right! If you want to read what they say, go to

    Its a site to explore many answers to questions, such as global warming. The site has many scientst, & my favorite was Tesla. What we sholud do is stick together & help each other & be prepared for the worst.

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