
What should we do to decrease our dependence on oil?

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What should we do to decrease our dependence on oil?




  1. Drive less.

    Keep your car tuned, filters clean, tires properly filled.  Remove racks on top that create drag unless being actively used.

    There's a lot of "little things," but the big one is pursuing -- very aggressively -- alternative energy sources.  There's a great foundation out there, we just have to fund the research and product development, and embrace the best of what's out there to speed up efforts that will allow America to wean itself off oil, especially oil of foreign origin.

    The way I see it, because future supplies are finite and that reality is sinking in for producers, and because new markets have started to flex their muscle, existing markets don't have the clout they used to have.  We've seen the last of cheap gas.  The only satisfaction we can get out of being held hostage by rising oil prices is to put efforts to attain viable alternative energy sources on the fast track.

  2. prius

  3. After great study of cause and effect, I am convinced in the mantra of Newt Gingrich.  Drill here, Drill now, Pay less. We have no visible means of weaning the country off petroleum based products for some time.  Why would we want to sponsor another country other than the United States.  We have as much oil and natural gas as the Middle East. We also have the technology now to avoid potential spills and pollution.  

    Another aspect that no one wants to look at are the by-products of oil, such as plastics, and some textiles that we have in our lives that come from distillates.  

    This is not a time for pie in the sky answers, but practical ones.  We are The United States of America, the greatest nation on earth and we can both develop alternatives as well as drill for our oil now.  

    In order for us to  to remain the beacon of freedom in the world, we need the oil that greases the wheels of our republic form of democracy.  

    Why should we accept from those in power the concept of doing and being less than the best???

    Get the government out business and turn free enterprise loose!!!

    And yes, hold both Government and Business accountable

  4. Ride bikes instead of using cars and in winter when we r cold instead of putting the heat on put on a sweatshirt

  5. We will always have a need for oil in our immediate future - even if there was a zero birth rate!

    No amount of conservation, no amount of "green energy" sources will ever fully replace the need for oil in our lifetimes!

    Your very existence, the job you or your family has, the food on your table all depend on a cheap and reliable source of oil!

    America has some of the largest coal sources in the world, fluid oil can be converted from that coal in a gasification process - but our government prevents that!

    Oil can be obtained from the Alaska (ANWR) area in less than a year IF the government butts out!   I am old enough to recall when politicians said that the oil coming from Prudhoe Bay Alaska would only last 6 months - it has been flowing for over 30 years!  Without that oil we would be paying probably double what we pay now for gas!    The same type of liberal politicians who said it wouldn't work then also say oil from Alaska would not work now!   These liberal dissenters were wrong then and they are wrong now!

    Don't you wish you had more nuclear power plants now instead of burning oil to produce electricity!


  6. Buy high mileage vehicles that get at least 35mpg highway.  Also drive less.

  7. use renewable energy sources wind, solar, geo thermal, hydro etc. we should be developing these long time ago instead of turning to a "cleaner" version of oil whioch is stupoid for me,

    WELL MAYBE UNTIL OUR WORLD RUNS OUT OF OIL whihc is in present we have already consumed more than haf of it.

  8. Conservation for one. We had better start putting our heads together to develop a plan (& soon). Then foreign countries would be stuck with all that oil...

  9. Sell your car and walk.

  10. Promote mass transit everywhere so people don't need individual vehicles!

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