
What should we do to free our planet from terrorism?

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  1. We should realize that the only thing we as a nation have not done is; to have the courage to respect each other. I believe its because we do not fully respect ourselves.

  2. We need to have better governments. If our government didn't go around trying to strong arm everyone then we wouldn't be so hated. It is all about removing fear and hate. Are we any better for killing innocent women and children around the world just because they live in a country we say harbor terrorists? Are we not essentially terrorists? If we would stop terrorizing the world maybe other countries would follow, including Israel. We used to be respected now we are hated and feared. Tell me how that doesn't create more terrorism?

    So basically, if all the governments in the world were not corrupt money hungry liars then the world could one day be virtually terrorist free. It is not the average person that creates the cause for terrorism. But it is the average person's duty to make sure they elect the right person into office that believes in peace not war. The thing is war is very profitable. People, including our elected officials profit from war. So, when we make it illegal for elected officials to profit from war then we will be doing our part to remove terrorism and possible create a world of peace.

  3. Several things.

    #1 stop being the worlds police.  We have our military in 135 countries on the planet, from wars to protecting our embassies.  No other country comes remotely close.

    #2 We are the largest seller of arms to the world, standing at 39% according to a 2006 congressional report.  Some independent studies put our share at up to 60%.  In both cases no other country comes remotely close.

    Download the 2006 congressional report here.

    In both those cases that produces a lot of hate towards us and the west.  That is the one overriding factor that creates terrorism.  Take away the reasons, terrorism ceases to exist.

    They don't hate us because of our system, or religion, they hate us because of what we do to them.

    Why is it, a country that the USA loves to hate, China, does not have problems with terrorism?  Because they are not an imperialistic power, and according to the same congressional report I cited above, they are responsible for 3% of the global sales of arms.

    It really is that simple


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  4. Maybe we should talk to the terrorists and try to negotiate and reason with them.  I'm sure Obama can make them "see the light."  Who are the real terrorists?  If your a Lib. than America is really the terrorists, which is why the far-left/Libs. are drawn to anyone with anti-american sentiment.  In reality we need to stay on the offense against terrorism rather than run away and hide like Obama and the Libs. want to do.  Talking to them, sticks and carrots, making it a law enforcement issue will do nothing but increase the threat to this country, but Libs don't really care.

  5. There is nothing we can do until we change human nature. We want what the other person has even if we have enough.

  6. First understand the motives of terrorism.

    There is also this to consider there are groups which while put in that catagory do not do random acts of terrorism they choose their targets with a specfic purpose in mind to oppose authority. They have done things in the past like bomb places which  at the time dealt with The Apartheid Regime of South Africa. The groups have blown up at least one truck at a weapons factory in Canada. To prevent terrorism would require people to dismantle weapons factories and car factories. Fund the restructering of Society and remove asphalt so fruit trees can grow. Everything from The orange groves of Palestine or Israel and the forests of North America. An examination of similarities in religious beliefs and contradictions. There is also this to consider a way to stop Terrorism can be to prevent what could be considered the ultimate Terrorism the destruction of forests for the reason a tree can only stand there and feel the pain as a sharp object cuts it down. It is much worse for a tree than a human because it cannot fight back. A tree is a living being though not seen as such. Tree Terrorism is the ultimate terrorism. Imagine yourself rooted to the spot unable to escape. Ways to end this could be to dig holes andplay the part of the tree let loose screams for the tree which cannot.

  7. Decode this lyrics " If you don't know me by now"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 11.33-36,46-52

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    John 7.19

    Matt 22.32

    John 8.44

    Matt 23.27

    Luke 21.30-36

    What do you think?

  8. Kill extremist muslims before they kill us

  9. I have an idea: let's elect an inexperienced little twirp as President of the United States.  Let's find someone who doesn't even WANT to fight the terrorists.  That will fix everything.

  10. If u are initiating this towards 'Muslim terrorists' then i have an answer....but 1st i want to say; If people call it terrorism when someone blows themselves up...they are lying...that is not terrorism. Terrorism is having your country invaded..having your whole heritage destroyed...everything or anyone you have ever loved or cared for taken away from you...Children living in constant fear and terror..children being shot...women being raped...families torn apart...that's terrorism; I'm talking about the situation in Palestine. To free the planet from 'terrorism' people should promote peace by not taking land that isn't theirs. I'm sure that that would stop the terrorism temporarily...well until they suspect nuclear weapons or what not.

  11. Educate Congress

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