
What should we do to solve the current economic crisis?

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drill here?




  1. No, that would just cause problems for future generations when we run out. We NEED to find an ALTERNATE energy source. That should be our first priority :) That would secure our future.

  2. Our primary problems are corruption in industry, lagging wages and too much personal borrowing, and the Federal Debt.

    1. Wiser strategies as to our place in the world. We cannot afford to be the "world's policeman". We have to be more creative and also not embark on unescessary wars.

    2. We have had a legacy of well regulated markets. We regulated our markets in response to the great depression. The regulations and laws, while not perfect, WORKED. Our current economic crises is largely a result of removing those safety regulations. Regulation also reduced innapropriate lending.

    3. We need to embark in a major effort to help those left out or struggling with keeping up to retrain and increase skills. We need to add significant incentives to graduate health proffessionals (lower the increast in health costs and supply the needed Drs), engineers, and other skilled occupations that are in demand.

    4. Increase the minimum wage. There is absolutely no evidence that the minimum wage hurts the economy, in fact, appropriate increase is almost always is associated with stronger State living standards. The propaganda fighting this idea is not accurate. More middle class income stokes the economy.

    As for drilling. Sure it might help, but it is not the answer. And why use up the remaining resources anyway. Why not save them and let our grandchildren use some of them. We are kind of selfish in that way?

  3. Stop voting for millionaire Republicans.

  4. There is too much debt in the economy.  And the best way to deal with it is to pay it off.

    Many individuals and the government are up to their ears in debt.  Which means that they've been living beyond their means.  And now it's time for them to cut back and start living within their means.

    This will lead to a recession.  But that's normal when you are paying off debt.  Because you are paying for past spending as well as the present.

    There is no magical way to make debts disappear.  Paying off debts is hard.  But people should've known this when they were borrowing.

  5. help people in the united states and stop worrying about everyone else for a change.  don't think i don't want to help others, but too many people in this country are suffering terribly right now.  the cost of gas, the cost of food, the extremely high cost of health care , the continually falling stock market - these and other factors are really hurting a lot of people.  it's more than just telling people to buy "eco" friendly cars - i can't afford to buy a new car right now.  I can't see my doctor because the copay is high and i have three children who need to see the doctor more than I (2 have mental health issues, which my health care covers practically nothing).  what about those with no medical insurance?  i can't imagine what they are doing.  if they need medicine, how are they getting it?  when i was unemployed (nov 07-feb08), i couldn't get any of the "help" the drug companies talk about - i made about $300 a week and that was too much for them!  too much for the state too - no food stamps, no assistance - i was able to finally get health insurance for my kids.  it's a mess.

  6. lolz its simple kill half of the popluation and when demand will get low prices will fall .. haha just joking.

    Well everything starts will fuel, today we need fuel to do all our work whether its a computer it need electricity which is either produced by thermal plant or hydral plant, so if we set up nuclear plant for generating electricity half of the fuel we can save and with water powered cars (watch the video ) fuel consumption would be so less and thus demand will be low.

  7. I'm a Construction Manager for a Mega Construction Firm. We do Mega Oil and Gas Projects around the world and at the moment, I'm in one of the US's largest Refinery expansion Projects that's getting ready to kick off. This type of expansion has not been done is the US for decades.

    I hear all the people drill here,, drill there. Hey that's fine we can drill anywhere and with todays technology we can drill with very little to no impact to the nearby enviroment.

    Hey!!! If we start drilling, it'll definitely keep me employeed but, I'm not worried. I'm yet to be laid off. Yes!! It's that busy with us.

    Now will drilling solve the immediate economic problem... The answer is an obvious "NO". The price may dip with the news of the US drilling but, it won't stay down. To set up a project of this magnitude, your talking years in the planning, designing and constructing. Not to mention Pipe lines, right of way, land allocation, qualified manpower, equipment, etc. It's just not as simple as drill here,,,, ok dahhhh,, let me go get my cordless.

    Now if we want to drill to take advantage of the present oil market prices to build the US economy that's one thing but, to lower today's oil prices, not likely to have a signaficant impact in the immediate future.

    If you want to impact the oil prices today, the quickest way is.

    1. We need to change our driving habits, allot of people are doing it, slowing down, less traveling, basically decrease the demand. A sharp decrease in demand will have a fast decrease on prices.

    I drive a F-250 Diesel, beleive me I've slowed down, not for the money, I make more than enough to pay for my gas but, for the cause.

    Has anyone seen the Highway Accident Fatality Report yet? Highway deaths are down significantly, record decreases around the country. Wow already some postive impacts.

    2. Write your Congressmen. They need to get control of the Speculators, These clowns munipulate the crube prices for their profit.

    And like anything that goes up it will come down. We just need to be smart as a nation, lets stop being so reactive and pointing the finger at just anybody. We can solve this problem but, we need to do it like Americans,, UNITED!!!

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