
What should we do when landlord will not fix mold problem????

by  |  earlier

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We moved into our place in dec of 07 and when we looked at it we saw some of the water damage on the wall in the one bedroom and was told that it would be fixed before we moved in. It didnt come across me at the time that it was a major problem. About 2 months later the paint kept chipping off and the wall was always damp it seemed everytime it rained. Told the landlord that i wanted it fixed before i was to have my baby because i didnt want a mold problem with little ones and he came and just plastered over it and said he would be back to do another coat. Never did and then the wall just kept chipping and it was green and pink stained. So now there is brown and black mold growing in the bottom corner. Cant tell how many times i have said something. Then there was a leak from the tub in the apartment upstairs and we had our ceiling collapse. This was about 2 wks ago and only half of that is fixed. IN THE SAME BEDROOM. These guys were told to scrape the mold and replaster? Have pics.




  1. Your local council (at least here in the UK) should have a housing department / trust that you can speak to about this problem. They came out to our house I used to live in, assessed the situation and took it up with the landlord, who was forced to try and fix the problem.

  2. Call the health department, Have then come and see the mold. He will make reccomendations up to and including prosecution.

  3. I would call your town/city hall to ask for advice on what to do.  I don't know where you live, but in Ny, you can sue your landlord for reduced rent, or pay to have it fixed and have that money taken off of your rent.  Good luck

  4. If you are able to  I would suggest that you just move somewhere else. This guy isn't going to do anything.

  5. Sound like you have been putting up with a bad landlord.

    Write it down, send to them, certified mail addressing the times and workmanship that has been or not done and then verbally address it to them so that they can not deny your claim.

    Second if you like the apartment area ask for movement to another unit until it is repair and livable.

    Third, sounds like if the above is not taken care of  then move to another complex.

    Contact the local city inspector and health department, you do have rights.  

    This is not good environment for a child or you.

  6. call the health department........he can get in alot of trouble for that

  7. stop paying the rent till it is fixed

  8. It's a serious health risk and you need to prove your case by moving into a safe place with no mold problem for your family first, then pursuing for past rent, etc. Your lungs start failing, diahrrea sets in and allergies and medications are endless. Noone can or will do anything but you. When you are at a health risk this serious, the lanlord is hoping you'll sicken so much you won't be able to persue this legally. So before all your energy is gone, get out now.

  9. Sue.

  10. Threaten to call Housing Code Enforcement if  the landlord doesn't fix the problem. Housing Enforcement will make him do it, or charge him a big fine. Then he may  have to refund all of your money. If not,call your local legal clinic to get a pro bono lawyer to help you out. You are living in a health endangering environment.

    Hope this helps! :)

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