
What should we do with our 3 month old!! Help!?

by Guest59197  |  earlier

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My partner and i both came down with sickness last night not sure whether its food related or a bug, my partner also has both ends though, i only have sickness.

I'm worried our 3 month old mia will catch it!




  1. she has probably got it also. gastro is probably what you boh have.go see the doctor tomorrow or even the hospial and get some gastrolite from the chemist or tell a friend to get it and leave it at the door and keep drinking water as you will is contagious. im not a doctor im a mother

  2. I wouldn't worry about it unless she does.  SHe has to come in contact with these things sooner or later. Better sooner than later, I think.  If she does catch it, just get her to the dr and make sure she has plenty of fluid

  3. Keep breastfeeding if you are as she will get all your antibodies to fight it.  If not, I wouldn't worry - she probably has high immunity from birth.  If she does get just keep a watch eye and keep her hydrated.  It's very important not to let a baby get dehydrated so phone the doctor if she gets it (just because of her age).

  4. I think we got lucky but when either one of us get sick, we just try to heal ourselves as fast as we can. Continue to eat even if you don't feel hungry and take medicine. We do that and our 3 year old and 3 month old never had problems. It's hard to stay away from your child when you have to help take care of him/her. This might not help but thats my opinion. Just don't give your baby medicine if they aren't sick. Like that saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

    Good Luck.

  5. Unfortunately when someone in a family catches something (assuming it is a bug you have) then its inevitable it will spread to other members of the family.  Babies as young as Mia can catch bugs and colds, and although its not pleasant for them or you, it helps to build their immune system.  Don't be afraid of Mia getting ill - believe me, once she starts getting older and going to nursery, she will be picking up all kinds of ilnesses and passing them on to you!

  6. If she does catch it, it won't kill her. It is good for her immune system!

  7. don't worry i had a bug when my son was that age but he was fine they still have a high immune system from when they was born so she should be fine


  8. a friend of mine had somethign similar not long ago.. just be like a hospital - make sure you wash your hands really well and use anti bacterial everything. clean the loo and whatever you vomit into a few times a day - dissinfect i mean drink heaps of water and try keep down solids. call a relative to babysit, just in case

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