
What should we do with the discipline in our schools? Video.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Should we try the Jordanian school system answer to the problem.

  2. We need to be able to whack children more, our youth is messed up they need a good beating, I'm not saying that to be a jerk either.  When I was a kid, If I messed up my dad would whack the c**p out of me and I learned real quick.  Children need discipline, you don't have to beat them but when they deserve it give em a good whack...

  3. They were speaking Arabic so I take it to be an arab public school, or a regular public school with Arabs as usual disrupting classes because they don't like being taught by women. They consider it a shame.

  4. Public school. Can send them to office if need be. Mostly when substitute teachers come the class goofs off so maybe that's what happened. It looks like a disruption doesn't it? Not good.

    Look, some other schools like that too.  How dare they do this!  LOL (fun joke)

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