
What should we tend to listen to our:?

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* Head

* Heart

* Horoscope




  1. Head of course

  2. ...HEAD...the upper one...with all the knowledge and experience...still loses to the lower a flash:(((

  3. Head

    What you call your heart is actually your head anyway and horoscopes are just silly (albeit occasionally entertaining)

  4. *  Head !

    *  Our heart is also guided by our head.

    *  Imagine a guy depending NOTon his head but on his horoscope. He is sure to make himself a donkey of a man !

  5. Head,

    Our heart listens to our head by beating,

    And the horoscope... well, do you trust the fact that mars and Jupiter are in allignment?

    Me neither.

  6. Heart when dealing with people.

    Head for any other matter =).

  7. I'm sorry, but our head would be of no use to us if our hearts didn't pump blood to it! We need both and I think people should tend to listen to what they think OR feel is right. To each his or her own. I listen to both my head and heart for different matters and I do occasionally indulge in reading my horoscope, but it doesn't mean I follow it religiously.

  8. Heart.

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