
What should you be doing right now?

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What should you be doing instead of killing time answering random questions?

I should be cleaning my house....




  1. I should be doing my house cleaning - thank goodness it's almost done so I can quickly finish it when I get the next energy burst.  It's a rainy day here so i'm feeling lazy and just lounging around (still in my pajamas).  Everyone needs a lazy day now and then.

  2. I should be processing apps. (I am at work) But I needed a short mental health break!

  3. Working...........  :)

    Instead, I'm goofing off on here and surfing the web for possible work at home opportunities to get some extra cash for my bank account.

  4. Laundry i have a load in the dryer and washer i should go and fold them but i doubt i will.

  5. i should be vacuuming, or doing dishes, or picking up toys.  but i feel lazy today.  lol.  :)  i should start thinking about dinner too.... d**n!  thanks for reminding me.  :D

  6. I should be sorting clutter for a garage sale.

  7. I should be cleaning my house as well, but my dad has the kids for the afternoon so I am wasting it on Yahoo Answers LOL

  8. I should be cleaning my living room...ugh.

    Oh, and folding clothes!

  9. i should be in labour...but im im sitting online pouting

  10. I should be doing the 6-7 loads of laundry that have been sitting in my basement for a week LOL, but I don't WANNA! And you can't make me!

  11. I should be doing some of my college work.  My daughter is taking a nap, my husbands at work, the house is clean and the animals are fed.  But what am I doing....Oh yes Im on Yahoo!

  12. Taking my cat out of the oven.....

    OH ****!

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