
What should you do after s*x while TTC? Is immediate bathing a no?

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I usually like to take a bath after s*x, but I have heard women say not to even use the bathroom after, and to just stay put for a while. Does soaking in the tub after s*x effect my chances of conceiving? I'm on my 7th month of TTC, and finally have a regular cycle after Depo so I am hoping this will be my month... Thanks.




  1. One good thing to do is immediately after, lay on your back with your hips elevated (with a pillow under them or something) and lay like that for as long as you can.  It's suggest to lay there for about 20 minutes, but I could never do it longer than 10! lol.  That way, you can let gravity help with the sperm get where they  need to go!  After that, you can take a bath or do whatever you normally would do.  Oh, and dno't pee immediately after s*x either!  I made that mistake for a while - I always have to pee after, but then I realized, duh, I'm just peeing out the guys! lol.  Good luck.

  2. my doctor told me to just lay there and then after like 30 to 40 minutes then you can take a shower or bathe. also have you tried using pre-seed.  

  3. I peed and wiped immediately afterward and got pregnant, so it all depends. Doggy style is deeper penetration than missionary,  so if you're TTC you could try that and then lay with your pelvis in an elevated position for a while afterwards.

    Good luck!!

  4. well I pee first and then do what they lay down and let the sperm go in you as much as they are going to about 10 mins then wipe down with a wet wipe and then maybe hour take a bath

  5. I always feel like I need to take a shower as well, but I hear that is a no no. You should lay down on your back with your feet elevated for at least 20 minutes after s*x. We have been ttc for over a year, I dont know that bathing right after s*x would decrease your chances of getting pregnant, but at this point - we are willing to try anything no matter how crazy it seems. I've even heard about people trying to stand on their heads after s*x! I dont know about that one, but good luck to you and your husband!

  6. If you've been ttc for a while and no luck, you should try lying in bed for a while after s*x to make sure the sperm have a chance to reach the cervix.  

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