
What should you do after studying buisiness to start investing in stock, what tools are helpful?

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What are some steps after you study buisiness that you should physically do after learning about stock to start investing, and trading, as well as some things to buy, tools, and other useful things to help you ?




  1. Even after studying business, you are not ready to start investing in stocks yet.  Before you start investing, you should take time do some reading.  There are many great books and online tutorials out there.  One of my favorite sites is Investopedia ( ).

    After you have acquired the appropriate knowledge, you will need to find a stock broker.  I prefer discount online brokers because they are much cheaper than full-service ones.  Plus, I like to make my own decisions when trading.  I currently use Firstrade ( ).  They are much cheaper than big name brokers such as Scottrade, Ameritrade, Etrade, and Schwab.  Their website is easy to use, making them perfect for beginners.  I would definitely recommend them.

  2. Start a limited partnership so you can make money from other peoples money.  Thats they Buffett started.

  3. there are loads of websites that you can find technique researches and stuff, like . one of the resource i find extremely useful is the newsletters from

    they literally tells you which specific stock to look at! and they are right for most of the time!!

    and the newsletter is free to subscribe as well


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