
What should you do and don't , on your first day of work?

by  |  earlier

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What should you do and don't , on your first day of work?




  1. Have s*x with your boss ( you shouldn't i mean)

  2. Depends on the nature of the job.  If it is a retail or service job, typically there is train and/or orientation of some sort.  In that case, listen more than you talk, dress appropriately, be polite, don't swear, and try to act professional until you get the lay of the land.

    Always, always, always understand the product.  For example, if it is retail then your product is the service you provide.  Try to demonstrate that you are customer focused.

    If it is a professional role (office, etc.), the similar rules apply, but there might be a little less orientation.  If you aren't comfortable with what you are supposed to be doing ask questions.  

    This is not a day #1 thing, but after a few weeks...try to add value.  Don't bring problems to your superiors, bring suggestions on how to solve them.  You don't want them thinking "here comes the pain in the butt" but rather "here comes the go getter".  Be careful not to go over the top with this or you'll be seen as trying to stand up other employees, etc.  Just be cool, polite, talk less, listen more and make your points clear when you make them.

    Good Luck and Have Fun

  3. You should not get fired!

  4. do: dress nicely, be on time, be polite, be motivated and extroverted

    don't: ask out a coworker, ask for a raise, complain about environment

  5. You should be kind and you should smile and treat everyone fairly...

    but NEVER tell anyone any of your personal thoughts on not ever tell anyone your weak points...they can use it agianst you one day.

    Wish you luck

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