
What should you do first when you begin to study a new text or study unit?

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What should you do first when you begin to study a new text or study unit?




  1. You should definitely get yourself in the right frame of mind.  Make sure you've had a good breakfast and a good nights' sleep and are not distracted.

    Find out how you study best - outdoors or indoors, with music or without, sitting at the table or on the couch, etc.

    From there I would take a few moments to skim the material and see what it was about, and then I would dive right in.

    Good luck!

  2. take some cooling time.wash your face.think what to study,where to start,when to start &how to start.

    choose morning time as y r fresh.

  3. I would start with the Table of Contents.  See how the text is arranged, note any patterns within the chapters.

    Ex.  Is there a summary of the contents at the beginning of the chapter?  Does it begin with a question that will be answered in the body of the text?  

    Are there questions or exercises and the end?  If so, read through them.  It gives you a "head's up" on the highlights of the chapter.  

    Then, if you are just looking at one unit or one chapter....note the boldface subtitles and peruse them and take note.  It is like reading an outline and puts you in the right frame of mind.  It can also help you organize any reading notes you may plan to make.  

    Now go back and start your reading.  Read all the way through to the point you are comfortable.  Now go back and really study each section intensely.  Ask yourself questions as though you were writing a quiz and make sure you understand the material.  Then take notes on the highlights (I always like notecards for their portability).  Do any review exercises at the end.  After that, when you are sure you understand the material, you can use the notes to aid retention.

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