
What should you do if a hotel/inn underbills you for your stay?

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Very recently, I stayed at a small inn in Maine with my husband, and discovered after checkout that the inn had underbilled me for my stay. (They failed to charge me for one night.) I didn't catch it at the time of check-out because I thought I owed less due to a previously paid deposit, but upon further examination, I discovered that we still owe about $200 more! What do you think is the right thing to do in this situation? Should I call the inn and tell the owners, or should I wait for them to contact me? They are a small "Mom and Pop" establishment, and the owners work hard everyday at the inn. I certainly don't want to rip them off, but I also don't want them to think less of me for not catching their mistake at checkout. (Due to our babysitter timeline, we were in a bit of a rush when we checked out, and the bill was handwriiten and rather difficult to follow.)

I would appreciate any feedback you could share. Has anyone else ever experienced this type of situation before?




  1. Give them their money.

  2. Wow aren't you the sparkly flower fairy from heaven. Consider yourself lucky and get out of there before they notice their mistake,

  3. Just call them up about the mistake.  You certainly don't want them to audit their records, catch the mistake, and charge your card at an inconvenient time.

  4. the good thing to do about it is to call the inn and tell them the situation. you have to ask them why your bill reached this amount and so, or ask for the list of charges the front desk clerk made. then if there is something missing in the list, ask them if its free of charge, then if she said no then tell them that they made a mistake in computing the charges or whatever. its a good deed. :D

  5. "I also don't want them to think less of me for not catching their mistake at checkout."

    No. The more you delay, the more you are risking. Call them up NOW and truthfully explain it.

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