
What should you do if attacked by a dog?

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If a dog attacks you and there is no retreat possible, should you try to fight it, or is there no way you can win? Does a dog have any weaknesses that can be exploited? What should your strategy be when attacked by a (bigger) dog?




  1. Well first of all, what situation are you in where this is occurring, or you are fearful of it occurring.  Dogs are, at their core, animals, and  as so won't attack unless trained to, provoked, or sick.  

    In most cases an aggressive dog can be almost instantly subdued with a tight grip on the underside of the neck.  Just like when fighting/playing with other dogs they go for the neck to establish a "win" or "pin" then release and start over.  You can stop an aggressive or out of control dog with a simple firm grip of the jugular area.  Maintain the hold until the dog is safely in control again.  When you release it is likely to act up again, because this is how they play, so be aware.  

    As with any aggressive animal, poking in the eye is a very vulnerable area to exploit if you are in grave danger.  This will permanently disable the animal and put them excruciating pain, so only use this tactic if you are in grave danger.  

  2. make yourself appear as big as possible. don't turn your back to the dog. arms up in the air, arch your back, try and look as menacing as possible. if you act dominant you will have a better chance of avoiding the attack. if you are attacked guard your throat.  

  3. grab its trachea with your index, middle and thumb as if you were forming a claw. then squeeze as hard as you can. you may kill the dog though so be sure this is what you want to do. dogs are also a lot more p***y than people think. raise your arms and yell and run very fast directly at it. 8 out of ten times it will run. you do have a 20% chance of if the dog is pissed or a guard breed. this is gnar, but sticking a finger in the dogs a**s is also most likely to make him let go. if you're getting mauled this really doesn't seem so gross.

  4. That is a hard question to answer due to the many different reasons why dogs attack.

    Was it just attacking just to attack?

    Was it provoked?

    Was it injured?

    All the reasons would have a different answer.

    My best generic answer is to stand still...don't run.  Talk quietly to them.  I

  5. I have dealt with this issue many times because loose dogs are a huge problem where I live.  It's either deal with it or stay inside and don't go for walks.

    I carry a steel pipe approx 18" long and I keep police strength pepper spray on my belt.   Dogs read us like books, and if we are confident in knowing we can protect ourselves we project that.  I have only had to use the pipe 4 times in   25 yrs.    Usually it's just used to block, but 2 pit bulls and 2 GSDs needed more of an incentive to find easier prey.  I aimed the blow to the cranium and stunned them.

    If a dog has actually knocked you down, your best bet is to curl up into a ball and protect your head and neck.  Probably eventually he'll get bored  and walk away.

    If it is a long term situation, such as a neighbor's dog that keeps escaping, I'd say the best solution in the long run is to make friends with him.   Stuff your pockets with the best treats you can find (hot dog slices, cheese cubes, etc - NOT dry dog biscuits).  On your way out,  casually toss treats at his feet until you are past his territory.  One the way back, do the same.  Ordinarily I would not feed someone else's dog without their permission because he may be on a restricted diet or being fasting for surgery the next day.  But where your safety is concerned I think you are justified.

  6. DONT TRY TO FIGHT! taht makes them mad.....if you are wearing a hat take off the hat and wave it at them...also if you have a vehicle get in the vehicle and call the nearest Animal Control.....or you can do it the good ole fashion way and shoot it...haha jk...not

  7. First of all NO you cannot win, you'll lose everytime.  If being charged by a dog, DO NOT RUN this will make the dog chase you.  Stop, fold your arms and turn your back on the dog, it's a non threatening move.  If you end up getting attacked, curl up into a ball, cover your head and neck with your hands and whimper loudly like a puppy, this will cause the dog to back off, curling into a ball protects your vital organs.

    Thats the only way you can safely walk away from a dog attack, if you try to fight back it will only make the dog more frenzied and attack more.

  8. if escape is not possible you have no choice but to defend yourself, if a large item is in reach I heard a blow to the base of the neck should make the dog retreat also I know this may sound a bit weird but a commanding "down or "go home" may also work but remember not all dogs will fall for it  

  9. Check out this site: it has EVERYTHING about how to protect yourself if a dog tries to attack you.

  10. Yep! What she said!!

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