
What should you do if trapped in a car during a flood?

by Guest59385  |  earlier

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What should you do if trapped in a car during a flood?




  1. You should roll down your window before your car submerges. Then you should try to get out the window and up on top of your car. If you don't get them window down before it sinks you have to wait till the water level is passed your window then roll it down.

  2. GTFU.  

    Seriously, get OUT of the car as soon as you can, because you don't want to get stuck and drown in it if the water is rising that fast...

  3. Get out of the car, and swim

  4. turn around dont drowned! if you see a flood take alternate route if you can. but if you happen to be trapped well then break the window cuz the force of water can move a car if its really bad. use emergency signal to let others know you are in danger or some kind of problem. (wait for help have someone pick you up) Worst case scenario is maybe the only way for help is a boat or helicopter from the air.

  5. Pray

  6. Carry a LifeHammer, its a great tool for many things.

    Breaks car side windows

    Cuts through jammed safety belts

  7. turn on the radio.

  8. First thing you would probably do is panic, so calm down and try to get out as soon as possible. Forget about the bags,books, etc. This happened to me last week, I went into panic mode and just thought about getting me and the rest of my friends out of the car. I forgot about the material stuff, like my cell phone and my purse. Life is too valuable, if i have to break the door or windows in the car to get out, I'll do it.

  9. Get out of your car and sit on the roof hopefully a helicopter or something or someone will come by and give you a hand.  I wouldn't even s***w around get your windows open at least if you have an power windows as far as I know as soon as water hits it they stop working so you better have strong feet and bust out that window.  Good Luck

  10. check this site out it will help

  11. Wind the window down so you can get out if it overturns.

    Be very ready to GTFU as quickly as possible. I would think in a raging torrent you might be safer inside the car (as long as it stays on its wheels), especially if theres logs and lots of debri swept along in the current, but once it flips you need to get or pre empt it by getting out just before it flips (if it does at all?)

  12. Break the windows on the side glass any way you can and get out. You have a much better chance out of the car.

  13. I have an escape hammer to break out the windows. (My grandma got us all 1 for Christmas last year)  I'm not even kidding.

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