
What should you do if you get a bad spirit while using the ouija board?

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What should you do if you get a bad spirit while using the ouija board?




  1. I think that you only get spirits if you believe so don't believe.

  2. If you watch the Discovery Channel (I think, or maybe another channel) documentary on Ouija boards you'd learn that they aren't supernatural at all.  Anything they say is from the minds of the people touching the piece.

    They blindfolded people using the board and the "ghost" messages stopped.  You can't get a bad spirit from a ouija board, lol.

  3. If you are playing with a ouija board and something happens that scares you, stop using it.  Many people believe that just using one is inviting evil into your life.

  4. As an experienced Ouija user who has encountered this phenomenon frequently, my procedure is the following: First of all, do not fear, they can't harm you unless you are afraid, weak, sick, gullible, superstitious, and if you believe them and pay attention to them. Fear and mental and "spiritual" weakness feeds the spirit's energy. Second, most spirits that are "bad" or "bad behaving" are not really evil, just lost spirits, so you should guide them to the light for their eternal rest, by telling them gently that they "should let themselves be guided by love and the light" etc., and then ordering gently but firmly that they have to go away, and not paying attention to their misbehaving, such as when they refuse to say goodbye on the board, and start doing things like whispering in your ear, or closing doors and the like, walking at night besides your feet while your are in bed before you go to sleep, etc. Then you should proceed to destroy the OUIJA board being used, with fire, and saying your favorite prayers, outside the home.

    Now, if the spirit is really a bad spirit, such as a daemon ( but this is very very unusual,  I personally don't believe in the existence of real daemons or the devil per se, only of spirits that may or may have never been incarnate, but who knows the truth?), or some really troubled spirit that wants to do harm or confuse you, after trying the above procedures, and most importantly yourself being fearless, if the spirit remains in the house after concluding the session and starts to actually do harm, then unfortunately this is out of the hands of most people, you should consult with an experienced exorcist, but before actually bringing someone to help, YOU HAVE TO BRAVE IT OUT FOR A WEEK and DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPIRIT, just let light in and turned on all the time and fresh air, sometimes INCENSE REALLY HELPS, such as Satya Sai Baba Incense, Sandalwood Incense, natural lavender Aromas and fresh or dry but naturally fragant lavender flowers. Red Ribbons posted at different corners of the house can help, as well as having natural fresh Jasmine, Gardenia, Lily and Muguet Flowers ( all of them natural white and fragrant, you can get them fresh at the florist). Drink  Chamomile teas, and other herbals. Don't overeat, keep yourself light, eat fresh veggies and fruits, this will help you during your ordeal.

    Sometimes bringing churchmen or other experts makes the spirit stronger because it gives it importance, which is what it is really seeking. You can consult with experts ( like a priest, don't believe others, they are after your money ) but don't bring in anyone, unless the situation gets worse after 13 days. Superstition feeds the "ego" of these spirits. Anyways, people who "play" with the OUIJA should be firsthand strong spiritually and fearless, but bad spirits are really uncommon, especially the supposedly  strong demons are very, but very unusual. Your fear and superstition can feed them and make them believe that they are strong, and eventually they do become strong. Leaving a light on while you sleep, not sleeping face up, awareness meditation before and after sleep, nice music like classical, etc., can be very helpful and can help prevent "Old Hag" attacks, which commonly occur when a bad spirit is permanently residing in the house. Don't ever light candles, use normal light-bulbs at night, pray a lot but fearlessly, but never to any catholic saints- just to your Ancestors,or to  Jesus, The Virgin, The Buddha, etc.

    Open windows, let the sun and fresh air in, let light in all the time, constant light night and day sort of confuses the spirits and most of the time makes them go away after 7 days. The most important factor is for you not to be afraid and not to be alone for a while, if necessary. Also don't use alcohol, psychoactive drugs ( legal or illegal ), as this weakens you by effect fo numbing. To conclude, spirits can't harm you unless you let them, and the gateway is your fear. The phenomenon is partly psychological no doubt, but there is an unexplained external factor, that in my particular case, has been eliminated by the procedures and things I mentioned above. Don't let the experience get out of hand by giving it such importance, and define what you mean by bad or find out why you think it is a "bad" spirit.

  5. run away and never show your face again.

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