
What should you do if your family disowns your brother?

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My brother is 21 and is not the best pee in the pod He has done and said things to my family mostly my mother sister and I that I'm not proud of. He use drugs of what kind I don't know any more he switches them up I cant keep track etc (I really don't want to go all in about it) :( My mother and sister doesn't want any thing to do with him they haven't talked to him over 5 months. Granted every time my mother gives him a chance he seems to mess it up some how. But i seem to have a problem giving up on him Hoping and praying that one day before its to late that he will grow up he still dose and says things to me now that he cant to my mom but it doesn't change the fact that he's my baby brother and i love him I'm he's only family. My mom and sister ain't to happy with me about me still talking to him or letting him over for the week or as they put mooching from me.What should I do




  1. when you have had enough you will understand. sometimes you just have to let people be people and deal with their own problems. your brother is old enough to where he knows right from wrong. nobody is forcing him to make the decisions he is making. if you chose to still deal with him then that's your business nobody can stop that. but you can't control what he does.

  2. u will always be his family and u cannot leave him all by himself especially when he has a drug problem. You need to set limits for him. Make it clear to him that u want to help but he needs to change his ways for you to do that.

    You need to communicate better with him, if that doesnt help...then u need medical help to get him off drugs and psych rehab.

    Leaving him alone, abandoned is not a solution.

  3. sounds like your a very nice person. your brother needs you. your parents and sister are just frustrated because they don't know how to deal with him. he needs you. because a person that has problems doesn;t need to be without family. so you do what your doing untill they decide to start being the family your brother needs.someday you will all be closer again i hope never give up on him have you ever tried to get him into counseling. maybe bring up the subject when he isn;t high on drugs.

  4. Only you can decide when "enough is enough" for you.  I know it is difficult and I can appreciate your love and hope for your baby brother; but, the fact is he isn't a baby anymore and until he is forced to stand on his own two feet and seek help he will never mature.  It's called tough love!

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