
What should you do if your parents are sexists?

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yes, my parents are sexists.

i can't go out with my friends, why? because i'm a girl therefore i'm defendless when guys "harrase" me.

i'm not allowed to acess the internet after 12 am, why? because i'm a girl therefore, i might do something bad.

i'm not allowed to put my pictures on myspace or any other website, why? because i'm a girl.

i'm so sick of my parents, i feel so desolate and lifeless because of them..

i feel like, i can't have a social life because i'm a girl!

so what i'm a girl? i'm still human right? i have feelings and needs.

they are not like that to my brothers, they can do whatever they want, whenever the h**l the want.

i feel so angry and sad.

i don't know what to do.

don't tell me to talk to them about it, it won't help, they don't listen.

and don't tell me to talk to someone about it, because i've tried, and it didn't work.




  1. Welcome to life.

    I don't think your parents are being sexist on purpose, mine are the same way and at first i thought they were being completly unreasonable but after talking to other people i realised that most parents are like that. They are just being over protective because you are still their "little girl". There really is not much you can do about it until you are 18 and move out of their house. I know you told us not to tell you to talk to them, but if you don't, then there's really nothing any of us on here can do to help you. Instead of taking the issue head on and just discussing their rules with you, find ways to change their mind and bring up each issue seperatley. For example, back up your arguments with facts, like boys are just as likely to get harrased or raped as girls, or reasonbly ask them why thy make the rules they do and why you aren't allowed the same privilages as your brother....and don't stop bugging them until they are willing to sit down and disscuss it with you. It's the only way, otherwise you just have to suck it up for a few more years. good luck

  2. I know exactly how you feel. I'm 17 and my parents treat me like a prisoner while my brother (who has a few midemeanors under his belt) gets to do whatever he wants. You don't want to hear this (and I don't want to tell you it either) but you just have to wait. When you turn 18 you make your own decisions and they can't tell you what to do. For now, try your best to see the good that can come from the restrictions. (In my situation I have to agree that my social life has seriously been hindered because of outrageously early curfews and a rule against boyfriends, but it has prevented me from making mistakes that are common with girls my age.) There's nothing else you can do, I've argued with my parents a million times, but they just don't care that their treatment is unfair and yours probably won't either.

  3. well if u cant go on after 12 am, did u write this and put this on casue it would have been after 12 am

  4. Yet you have your picture on this page, so either their rules don't work or you just break them?  Not getting on the internet after midnight is a fine rule, I'm sure you access it during the day, and anything you would do during the night you should be able to do during the day.  Maybe they're concerned that your friends are bad influences or you might go to bad locations.  Start by saying you are going to go out with a group of friends, during the day, to a safe place.  They can drive you there and pick you up, like a small amusement park or something.  Ease into it.

  5. Well, it is unfair that they don't restrict your brothers like they restrict you. Boys can get into just as much trouble as girls.

    But I agree with them for trying to protect you- you don't realize how many guys there are out there that would do horrible things to you in a second if they had the chance. Even adult women have to be cautious and very aware of their surroundings.

    I see no reason why you have to be on the internet after midnight. Teens get too obsessed over the internet, you are better off learning to take yourself away from it.

  6. stand up for yourslef. dont listen to them. diliberatly dis obey them. tell them why your doin it.

    and if all else away...maybe theyll change their mind about then.

    i hate that.

  7. just don't listen to them. Show then that just cuz your a girl, you can stand up for yourself, you won't do anything wrong, and that you're not stupid.

  8. lol

  9. Well, i think their only doing it for your good. As it is a time where its real unsafe for anyone to go anywhere even guys. Well they probably just worry a bit as girls are kinda defenceless, as guys can be mean and evil (not saying some girls arent) but guys are stronger basically and girls are delicte. but i think they are over the top, you should do what you want to do, if your brothers are doing it, thats double standards then. Thats not fair and you should make a point some how. Its not right and unfair. Good luck to achieve freedom lol ( oj i dont want to sound mean)

  10. Arrggh, I hate that.

    My parents are the exact same thing.

    They treat my brothers as if their gold or something.

    And me, it's like I can't do anything.

    Sorry I have no solution about this. but if I do I will email you for sure.

    The only reason I answered was cause my parents are the same - and I hate it!

  11. i had exactly the same problem as u but i waited patiently and a  month ago right b4 my 17 b'day sth happened n i was forced to imigrate  to canda and now am 17 and live on my own ! i use  2 be really mad but who thought i was gonna move out 16!!!!!!!!! so be patient and once u turn 18 u can do whatevea u want to ! wait patiently n what ever  is ment 2 happen will happen !!

  12. None of that sounds sexist to me. It sounds like you have a lot of growing up to do. If you were as mature as you think you are then you would realize that they are doing what is best for you and not because you are a girl.

  13. Like the first answerer said you have your pic on this page and they dont know.. This is the arabc countries sister there just scared incase you get hurt. just stop thinking about it like this way.. have fun.. Good luck.. : - )

  14. You need to get on down your silly knees and thanks the gods you have parents who want to protect you -  they aren't sexist - they don't want you to get hurt because they know how dangerous teenage boys can be around silly, young girls.

    Time goes by so fast, you'll be out of the house and married soon enough, most likely, and I wonder how much freedom you would give your own daughter if she asked if she could stay out until 11:00 - 12:00 am with her friends at your age.  I'd like to see how hip and free you are then, ha! ha! ha!  

    Life is ridiculously delicious!

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