
What should you do when a big-named store rips you off?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday my boyfriend and I bought a Sony Playstation 2 from a reputable store (in Canada). The package was to include the playstation, a memory card, a contoller, and the adaptors. We paid full price. When we got home and started to set it up, we found that it was used, the controller was missing and the adaptors were not only the wrong ones but were also used. When we went back to the store today to get a refund, they refused. They even went as far as accusing us of stealing the controller and adaptors and replacing them with the others. They refused to give us the name of the store manager and proceeded to call security on us. We were calm and would have settled for an exchange but not now. All we want now is our money back so we can go somewhere else to buy a PS2 for our son's birthday but they won't give it back. They followed us out of the store and everyone in the store was watching, I was mortified! What should we do? Isn't what their doing illegal or something? Anyone know?




  1. let me guess, it's future shop? i guess you can complain it to their headquarter, or sue them or write to consumer reports or something like that.....

  2. Write a calm but firm letter to corporate office ( always to vice president of merchandising or whatever they call it in Canada - check on Internet) explaining situation & that your "loyalty" to the company will cease unless it is properly handled. Tell them that you will report them to the Better Business Bureau. If not satisfied with answer check with local TV station for a troubleshooter to handle it. They hate to look bad on TV. Good luck!

    You can call store first & ask to speak to manager. If he is not willing to help, explain your course of action that you will take if game is not replaced & apology given. Document time & conversation for BBB. Remeber calmness & politeness along with firmness is neccessary. Threats & yelling never work.

  3. Contact the main Corporate office. Call them, email them, write them. You will usually get what you want if you contact them politely, but make sure they know how thoroughly disappointed you are. I am better with emailing, but calling is a good idea! Just have the address of the store when you contact them!

  4. First... call your loac consumer fraud hotline and file a report.  Second.. call the better business bureau and file a report there as well.  Third write a letter to Sony stating all the facts including the stores response, they may be willing to fix the problem.  Forward this letter to the sotre you bought from, the headquarters of the chain of store, AND your local news stations.  They may have a consumer affaris person, who knows you may get a little air time out of it.  Other people may come forward with the same complaints.   We had a similar issue with a Best B** store here in the US with a playstation game.  It was packaged incorrectly.  They pretty much accused us of switching it out. Sony ended up fixing it.

    ON your letter make sure you put all the addreses of who you are sending it to.. so the store knows what you have done.  Publicity might make them more willing to make good on their product.

  5. You can file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

  6. Is there any way to report the store? Im not shure in canada though,

  7. been there, email the company you bought it from then email sony and tell them of your experience, hopefully they help you out, good luck!

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