
What should you do when approaching a low-head dam in a canoe or kayak?

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What should you do when approaching a low-head dam in a canoe or kayak?




  1. Get out and go around.  They are the single most deadly feature on the water.

  2. Portage...they are almost always marked upstream...

    If you do go over one and it washes you out, just circulate through it getting air when you come to the surface, and it will spit you out fairly quickly.

  3. Good answer #1. Know the river! Travel with at least two other boats. Slovenia just lost eight kayakers at a low-head dam. It is possible to survive an entrapment. Swim to one end of the upstream current pool. Some will kick you out. Desparate? Shed the PFD and swim to the bottom of the hydraulic, there will be a downstream current to carry you free. Best!  Avoid them. Each kayak need carry a rescue throw rope.

  4. they are extemely dangerous. you should only  run them if you are with someone experienced and who knows the river well.

    they can create nasty stoppers. there is a river nearby us with a few on it. about 4 or 5 feet high. we run them comfotably but there is one that we always avoid. it's about 1-2 feet high but the stopper it creates is notorious for holding people.

    you should definately portage it

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