
What should you do when theres a tornado coming?

by  |  earlier

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okay i dont know yet but there are watches and warnings around, so i need tips on how to stay safe etc...

i dont have a basement either!




  1. well I don't have one either and I live in tornado ally

  2. go into the interior room of your house with no windows

  3. b elsewhere!!

  4. duck and cover!!

  5. Pick a place where family members could gather if a tornado is headed your way. It could be your basement or, if there is no basement, a center hallway, bathroom, or closet on the lowest floor. Keep this place


    Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit containing—first aid kit and essential medications. Canned food and can opener.

    At least three gallons of water per person. Protective clothing, bedding, or sleeping bags. Battery-powered radio, flashlight, and extra batteries. Special items for infant, elderly, or disabled family members. Written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas, and water if authorities advise you to do so. (Remember, you’ll need a professional to turn natural gas service back on.)

    Listen to local radio and TV stations for further updates. Be alert to changing weather conditions. Blowing debris or the sound of an approaching tornado may alert you. Many people say it sounds like a freight train.

    When a tornado WARNING is issued—If you are inside, go to the safe place you picked to protect yourself from glass and other flying objects. The tornado may be approaching your area.

    After the tornado passes—Watch out for fallen power lines and stay out of the damaged area. Listen to the radio for information and instructions. Use a flashlight to inspect your home for damage. Do not use candles at any time.

  6. Go to the center of your house away from windows

    remove your glasses

    Remove all sharp objects from your pockets

    crouch under a heavy table  or doorway

    Cover your self with a mattress

    , protect your head with your hands

    put your head between your knees,

    and KISS YOUR *** GOODBYE!

  7. Kiss your *** goodbye!!!

  8. What to do in a tornado:

    What to do before a tornado:

    After a tornado:

    About tornadoes:

    Picture of a tornado:

    (My favorite picture and my desktop!)

    Severe thunderstorm:

    Weather forecasts and watches and warnings:  

    (A really helpful site!)

    This site includes what to do when you don't have a basement:

    Good luck and stay safe!!!

  9. This is the time right now to plan what to do for a tornado and make sure you have a NOAA weather alert radio The radios can alert you when a tornado warning is issued at night while sleeping.

    A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop and you should pay close attention to the weather. A watch it typically issued with in 2-3 hours of the event.

    When a tornado warning is issued that means doppler radar has detected rotation in a storm or trained spotters have spotted a rotating wall cloud, funnel cloud, or a tornado on the ground.

    If a tornado warning is issued for your area, do not panic. Go to a place of safety. Go to the lowest floor of your house like the basement. Once in the basement get under a sturdy piece of furniture or go into a bathroom in the basement. If no basement is available go in to an interior room such as a closet. If that is not available go in to an bathroom without windows. Stay away from outside walls and windows. Cover your head to protect from flying debris. Never try to out run a tornado in a car, if cought in a car and can not take no place of safety, lay down in a ditch and cover your head. Do not take cover under a over pass. Do not stay in mobile homes as they do not offer protection and can be flown as easily as cars can.

    For local weather info. From the National Weather Service.

    Storm Prediction center (responsible for issuing severe thunderstorm and tornado watches)

  10. move

  11. go into an interior room in your house such as a bathroom or closet.go underneath a sturdy table or shelving if u sure to cover you head and stay away from windows.stay safe!

  12. u see if theres a cow in it.

  13. get your good belongings and store them, in your house your supposed to get tin the bath tub idk why lol

  14. Stay inside and if it is on your house go in the bathtub.

    We are having tornado warnings where I live too!

  15. Hide under a heavy table away from large objects - the kitchen is a bad place to be. under your bed is probably a good bet, esp on the ground floor. Lie down low, maybe cover yourself with a heavy blanket to shield yourself from flying debris. And get a large bottle of water and some food to keep with you. Stay tuned to the radio or TV.

  16. Get in your bathtub. Usually they're made of cast iron and will provide some protection for you.

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