
What should you do when you think you have pre-ejaculate in your uteris?

by  |  earlier

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I know it was really dumb of me, but my boyfriend and i started having s*x without a condom. but my parents got home so we didn't finish anything. i'm only 15 and i know it was really dumb of me.

what can i do?




  1. If it was within 72 hours you can take Plan B...the morning after pill. It stops pregnancy withing 72 hours of s*x. You get a script from your doctor...theyll prob prescribe it to you over the phone. call now!!!

  2. You can't do anything now, what has been done cannot be undone. Wait until your period and see what happens. If you miss your period take a test. Sorry

  3. there is something call plan b. It cost about 45 dollars, you can ask for it at any pharmacy and by law they can not deny you if you are able to pay. if you use it within 3 days of unprotected s*x, even if he ejaculated you will be okay but the sooner the better.

  4. What should you do? What can you do? Sorry, jumping on a trampoline won't shake them out.

  5. PRAY!  Pray you don't have it in you and pray you're not near ovulation time.. which btw, is typically 14 days before your period is due.

    Please think about getting on some form of birth control.  If you're immature enough to do such a thing with out protection, then you certainly are too immature to have a baby.  Wait until you can actually freely enjoy s*x to have it.  It will be so much better!

  6. Take the morning after pill just incase. You'll most likely be okay but it is possible to get pregnant so take precautions. Good luck :)

  7. go to Planned Parenthood and get the Morning after pill. You don't have to have your mom there or tell her that you're there. It's all confidential. As long as you have like $30 then just go there and get the pill. I had to do that once also.

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