
What should you do when your co-worker threatens to drown you in the toilet?

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What should you do when your co-worker threatens to drown you in the toilet?




  1. This may be considered harrasment in many jurisdictions.  Was this just a joke or do you consider it a treat?  

    While this sounds just like a workplace bully, you should consider reporting the incident to your manager or to your human resources department if you felt unsafe.

    Also, check the harrasment policies for your company.  Often they will have a process for dealing with this circumstances.

  2. report it to your supervisor immediately.  this is harassment, and not conducive to a good working environment.  just think, what if your co-worker were to act on his/her violent tendencies?  best thing to do here is to nip it in the bud.

  3. i would cuss them out , and tell them to quit that **** otherwise i will be th first to do it lol... eye for a eye

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