
What should you do when your parents think your a disappiontment to them.

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my parents think that i am a horrible child. The compare me to other kids. and think i am disgrace to the family. and they think that i a bad person but, deep down i really care and i not a bad person.




  1. when id come dwn to them sayin that make them think different if u care so much.. if u r doin the best u can then that a different story...they might think u dnt cAre wat they say.. no child is seem like they liike those other kids more then u .... my parents r kinda like that they think im like my older brother who is not like me at  all n to change that i just LET IT GO.... n pray n it got better

  2. People dont see what is right in front of them until it is to late. I am certain that they dont really mean to make you feel that way they are most ahhhhhh c**p

    Im a mum and comparing my child to another isnt something i like to do but sometimes I do it to get my point across because I am frustrated that I cant get the kids to understand where im coming from I can turn blue trying to explain stuff but I can gaurentee that they love you for you, Parents are bound by this thing called unconditional love no matter how much you make them angry or what they say in the heat of the argument they will always love you, maybe ask to sit with them and talk about how they are focusing on the negative and how just a little positive encouragement would go a long way.

    I am the black sheep of our family and thought I was the dissapointment but the adults in your family will be hiding some doozy secrets!!! Trust me this black sheep decided she didnt wanna bleach her wool and be like the rest and now Im glad cos I didnt keep secrets my family thought i was bad etc etc etc but now I know better  

  3. i would say just pray. god works miracles. but it will only work if you have faith. you cant go on in life hoping for things to change and get better, you have to have faith that they will. pray pray pray. jesus loves you and will always be there for you.

  4. No one should tell their child they are a bad person. The question is, do you feel you are a good person? Perhaps they are angry, vengeful people, and perhaps you have brought them a lot of pain or a combination, but it seems like a unhealthy relationship right now.

  5. You should tell your parents how you feel.  Why do you think this is how they feel?  Maybe you are rading into things, it is best to talk to your parents about this.  I am sure it maynot be what you think.  Good luck.

  6.   if its deep down.bring it to the top. they might like you then.

  7. they expect too much from you, thats one.I believe you. your parents need to,ll nevere able to please everybody no matter what you do. If your doing nothing wrong then just be yourself. if being lazy is something your being i encourage you to work on that cause that is not a good thing otherwise be yourself.

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